Snowflake Share

Consume data on Dewey using Snowflake Share

Privileges Needed

  1. ACCOUNTADMIN Role: Required to create databases from shares.
  2. IMPORTED PRIVILEGES: Grant this privilege on shared databases to roles in your account.

Steps to Consume Shared Data

  1. View Available Shares: Use Snowsight or SQL (SHOW SHARES) to list available shares.

  1. Create Database from Share:
  2. Snowsight: Go to Data Products » Private Sharing, and select a share to create a database.
  3. SQL: Execute CREATE DATABASE <name> FROM SHARE <provider_account>.<share_name>.
  4. Grant Access: Assign IMPORTED PRIVILEGES to appropriate roles.


  • Querying: Same as querying any other database.
  • Limitations: Shared databases are read-only and cannot be cloned or re-shared.

For more detailed information, refer to the Snowflake Documentation.