Company Insights
Complete, worldwide company database of over 30 million businesses. Includes basic company information such as name, location, category, and industry, along with a number of aggregated trends such as employee count and average tenure.
Data Information | Value |
Refresh Cadence | Adhoc |
Historical Coverage | 2010 - Present |
Geographic Coverage | Global |
People and Resume Data is a Multi-Table dataset which allows you to access just the data you need. PDL.COMPAY.COMPANY
is the primary table. You can join additional tables using the COMPANY_ID
identifier. The schema below is for the PDL.COMPANY.COMPANY
table. For more information on how to access Multi-Table datasets via API, review our docs page.
Name | Description |
LATEST_FUNDING_STAGE | The stage of the company’s most recent funding event |
MIC_EXCHANGE | The MIC code for the company's ticker exchange |
ULTIMATE_PARENT | The ID of the ultimate owning company |
SIZE | Number of employees at the company (range) |
LINKEDIN_ID | Main LinkedIn profile ID for the company |
FOUNDED | The founding year of the company |
TICKER | The company ticker for public companies |
INDUSTRY | The self-reported industry of the company |
COUNT_LINKEDIN_FOLLOWER | Count of LinkedIn followers |
LINKEDIN_SLUG | LinkedIn slug for the company |
AVERAGE_EMPLOYEE_TENURE | Average years of employee tenure |
COUNT_FUNDING_ROUNDS | Number of funding rounds announced |
GICS_SECTOR | GICS sector classification for public companies |
COMPANY_ID | Unique identifier for the company |
ULTIMATE_PARENT_TICKER | Ultimate parent's stock symbol (if public) |
LINKEDIN_URL | Main LinkedIn profile URL for the company |
NAME | Company's main common name |
DISPLAY_NAME | Company's displayed name |
TOTAL_FUNDING_RAISED | Total amount of funding raised in USD |
EMPLOYEE_COUNT | Current number of employees |
LAST_FUNDING_DATE | Date of the most recent funding event |
TYPE | Company type |
FACEBOOK_URL | Main Facebook profile URL for the company |
WEBSITE | Primary company website |
IMMEDIATE_PARENT | Direct owner of the company |
ULTIMATE_PARENT_MIC_EXCHANGE | MIC exchange of the ultimate parent (if public) |
TWITTER_URL | Main Twitter profile URL for the company |
SUMMARY | Company description |
INFERRED_REVENUE | Estimated annual revenue in USD |
HEADLINE | Company's headline summary |
Key Concepts
Reading in PySpark
People Data Labs Company data has a slightly tricky encoding with multiple lines and non-escaped quotes inside quotes that really trip PySpark up (Pandas handles it fine).
You can use this way of reading the data:
df ="header", "true")\
.option("multiLine", "true")
.option("escape", """)
.option("quote", '"')
Updated 2 months ago