Professional Football Club Financial Data
Football club financial data for the five biggest leagues in the world and their 2nd divisions. All 1st division leagues have at least 10 seasons of salary coverage. Every 2nd division will have at least 5 seasons of salary coverage. MLS salary data is also included in a separate dataset.
Data Information | Value |
Refresh Cadence | Quarterly |
Historical Coverage | 2013 -Present |
League Coverage | Top 5 Leagues |
Name | Description |
ID | id |
COUNTRY_ID | Unique and persistent ID associated with this country. |
COUNTRY | The name of this country. |
LEAGUE_ID | Unique and persistent ID associated with this league. |
LEAGUE_NAME | The name of this league. |
CLUB_ID | Unique and persistent ID associated with this club. |
CLUB_NAME | The name of this club. |
YEAR_ID | The year of this club's accounts. |
CLOSING_DATE | The closing date of this club's accounts. |
CLOSING_PERIOD | The closing period of this club's accounts. |
ITEM_ID | Unique and persistent ID associated with this line item. |
ITEM | The title of this line item. |
ORDER_ID | The sequential order associated with this line item. |
TYPE_ID | Unique and persistent ID associated with this type: 'pl' or 'bs'. |
CURRENCY_ID | The base currency denoting this club's accounts (EUR, GBP, USD). |
VALUE | The value of this line item, in the club's base currency for any given year. |
VALUE_EUR | The value of this line item, in Euros (EUR). |
VALUE_GBP | The value of this line item, in British Pounds (GBP). |
VALUE_USD | The value of this line item, in US Dollars (USD). |
Updated 3 months ago