Property Data


Verisk’s Property Data is developed through diverse sources and analyzed and validated to provide easy-to-understand insights. The data provides detailed information about the property location, ownership, year built, building size, materials used, and condition attributes. Verisk’s property data also includes information about the property value, including the total assessed value (land and improvements), market value, assessed value, and last assessment date.

Data InformationValue
Refresh CadenceMonthly
Historical Coverage25-year​ average depth of ​historical data​
Geographic CoverageUnited States *98%​ coverage in areas with populations of 50K​ or more


Create a Dewey Data login and navigate to the Table Structure view in the product for a description of each variable. Total Consumer Insights - Property Data Table Structure.

Key Concepts

Extracting insights across datasets

  • This comprehensive dataset can be joined to the Consumer Profiles dataset using the address ID (ADDRID) attribute to include hundreds of demographic characteristics about the owners and tenants.


How is the data sourced?

VMS data is sourced from wide-ranging authoritative sources, which include:

  • Publicly available records (Census, USPS, publications, county assessors, etc.)
  • Transactions/purchase data (retail channels, direct marketing, sales/service information, etc.)
  • Self-reported information (survey respondents, warranty responders, event sign-ups, etc.)
  • Proprietary sources