Export Performance Ocean Ports
Port performance at varying levels that shows the number of containers discharged each day at each port, broken down by port of lading by carrier (where goods are put on a carrier).
Data Information | Value |
Refresh Cadence | Monthly |
Historical Coverage | 2022 - present |
Geographic Coverage | Global |
Observation Level | Daily Events per Port |
Name | Description |
EVENT_DT | The day in which the events recorded occurred |
PORT_NAME | Name of the port of discharge |
PORT_UNLOCODE | The United Nations location code of the port of discharge |
PORT_CITY | City name of the port of discharge |
PORT_STATE | State/province name of the port of discharge |
PORT_COUNTRY | Country ISO code of the port of discharge |
PORT_REGION | Geographic region of the port of discharge |
PORT_LATITUDE | Latitude of the port of discharge |
PORT_LONGITUDE | Longitude of the port of discharge |
N_BERTH_LOCATIONS | The number of berthing locations a port has available for container vessels |
SEVEN_DAY_PERFORMANCE | The average hours from container gate in at POL to vessel load at POL (7-day average) |
PRIOR_SEVEN_DAY_PERFORMANCE | The average hours from container gate in at POL to vessel load at POL (8-14 days prior) |
PERFORMANCE_CHANGE_HRS | The change in hours for the total time of gate in and loaded on vessel between the prior two weeks |
PERFORMANCE_CHANGE | The percent change for the total time of gate in and loaded on vessel between the prior two weeks |
PERFORMANCE_CHANGE_FLAG | Indicates if a port’s performance has improved or degraded |
TEU_GTIN | The volume of TEU gated in at the POL |
TEU_GTIN_REEFER | The volume of refrigerated TEU gated in at the POL |
TEU_GTIN_TRUCK | The volume of TEU gating in at the POL by truck |
TEU_GTIN_RAIL | The volume of TEU gating in at the POL by rail |
TEU_LOAD | The volume of TEU loaded on a vessel at POL |
TEU_LOAD_REEFER | The volume of refrigerated TEU loaded on a vessel at POL |
TEU_DEPART | The volume of TEU which departed the POL by vessel |
TEU_DEPART_REEFER | The volume of refrigerated TEU which departed the POL by vessel |
N_VES_ARRIVE | Number of vessels that have arrived in the vicinity of the port on the indicated date |
AVG_HRS_ARRIVE_TO_BERTH | The average hours between vessel arrival and vessel berth events |
N_VES_BERTH | Number of vessels that berthed at a terminal on the indicated date |
AVG_HRS_GTIN_TO_LOAD | The average number of hours between gate in and loaded on vessel events |
N_CTNR_LOAD | The number of containers loaded onto the departing vessel |
AVG_HRS_GTIN_TO_LOAD_TRUCK | The average hours between gate in and loaded on vessel for truck-gated containers |
N_CTNR_LOAD_TRUCK | The number of containers loaded onto the departing vessel that gated in by truck |
AVG_HRS_GTIN_TO_LOAD_RAIL | The average hours between gate in and loaded on vessel for rail-gated containers |
N_CTNR_LOAD_RAIL | The number of containers loaded onto the departing vessel that gated in by rail |
AVG_HRS_LOAD_TO_DEPART | The average hours between vessel load and vessel departure |
N_CTNR_DEPART | The number of containers departing that have a load event recorded |
AVG_HRS_BERTH_TO_DEPART | The average hours from vessel berth to departure (vessel dwell time) |
N_VES_DEPART | Number of vessels that transitioned from berthed to non-berthed status |
TEU_CLEARANCE_RATE_1_DAY | TEU where the difference between gate in and loaded on vessel is 24 hours or less |
TEU_CLEARANCE_RATE_3_DAY | TEU where the difference between gate in and loaded on vessel is 2-3 days |
TEU_CLEARANCE_RATE_5_DAY | TEU where the difference between gate in and loaded on vessel is 4-5 days |
TEU_CLEARANCE_RATE_7_DAY | TEU where the difference between gate in and loaded on vessel is 6-7 days |
TEU_CLEARANCE_RATE_8_OR_MORE_DAY | TEU where the difference between gate in and loaded on vessel is 8 or more days |
Updated 2 days ago