Public Companies - Financials/Employment/Benefits


This is part of a package of company data for all US-based public companies (approximately 5k), which includes time series data from 2010 to present in either annual, quarterly, or monthly frequencies.

Data InformationValue
Refresh CadenceAdhoc
Historical Coverage2010-Present
Company CoverageUS Based Public Companies


BQ_IDUnique ID assigned by BQ to the Organization.
BQ_COMPANY_NAMEPrimary name of the Organization, derived from multiple sources including the IRS, Dept. of Labor, SEC, SBA, and local jurisdictions.
BQ_WEBSITELink to the Organization's primary website.
BQ_YEARCalendar year for this record.
BQ_REVENUEAnnual time series based revenue, derived from SEC or IRS filings.
BQ_EBITDAAnnual time series value of EBITDA, based on profitability calculations.
BQ_CORAnnual time series based cost of revenue.
BQ_NET_INCOMEAnnual time series based net income, indicating profitability.
BQ_GROSS_PROFITAnnual time series based gross profit, derived from revenue minus cost of revenue.
BQ_TOTAL_ASSETSAnnual time series based total assets, including all owned by the company.
BQ_OPERATING_EXPENSESAnnual time series based operating expenses per employee.
BQ_OPERATING_INCOMEAnnual time series based operating income, an indicator of profitability.
BQ_TAX_AND_INTERESTAnnual time series based tax and interest expenses.
BQ_GROSS_PROFIT_MARGINAnnual time series based gross profit margin.
BQ_EBITDA_MARGINAnnual time series based EBITDA margin.
BQ_ASSET_TURNOVERAnnual time series based asset turnover ratio.
BQ_NET_PROFIT_MARGINAnnual time series based net profit margin.
BQ_RETURN_ON_ASSETSAnnual time series based return on assets.
BQ_RETURN_ON_SALESAnnual time series based return on sales.
BQ_REVENUE_PER_EMPAnnual time series based revenue per employee.
BQ_EBITDA_PER_EMPAnnual time series based EBITDA per employee.
BQ_COR_PER_EMPAnnual time series based cost of revenue per employee.
BQ_NET_INCOME_PER_EMPAnnual time series based net income per employee.
BQ_GROSS_PROFIT_PER_EMPAnnual time series based gross profit per employee.
BQ_TOTAL_ASSETS_PER_EMPAnnual time series based total assets per employee.
BQ_PAYROLL_PER_EMPAnnual time series based payroll per employee.
BQ_OPERATING_EXPENSES_PER_EMPAnnual time series based operating expenses per employee.
BQ_OPERATING_INCOME_PER_EMPAnnual time series based operating income per employee.
BQ_TAX_AND_INTEREST_PER_EMPAnnual time series based tax and interest expenses per employee.
BQ_FISCAL_YEAR_ENDFiscal year end associated with the reporting period.
BQ_CURRENT_ASSETSAnnual time series based current assets value, convertible to cash within one year.
BQ_CASHAnnual time series based cash on balance sheet, including cash equivalents.
BQ_TRADE_NOTES_AND_ACCOUNTS_RECEIVABLEAnnual time series based accounts receivable, representing short-term money owed.
BQ_LESS_ALLOWANCE_FOR_BAD_DEBTSAnnual time series based allowance for bad debt valuation.
BQ_INVENTORIESAnnual time series based inventory value.
BQ_US_GOVERNMENT_OBLIGATIONSAnnual time series based value of U.S. government debt instruments owned.
BQ_TAX_EXEMPT_SECURITIESAnnual time series based value of tax-exempt investments.
BQ_OTHER_CURRENT_ASSETSAnnual time series based value of other liquid assets.
BQ_NON_CURRENT_ASSETSAnnual time series based value of long-term assets, adjusted for depreciation.
BQ_LOANS_TO_SHAREHOLDERSAnnual time series based value of company loans to shareholders.
BQ_MORTGAGE_AND_REAL_ESTATE_LOANSAnnual time series based value of mortgage loans.
BQ_OTHER_INVESTMENTSAnnual time series based value of other investments not categorized.
BQ_BUILDINGS_AND_OTHER_DEPRECIABLE_ASSETSAnnual time series based value of depreciable assets, such as machinery and buildings.
BQ_LESS_ACCUMULATED_DEPRECIATIONAnnual time series based accumulated depreciation of assets.
BQ_DEPLETABLE_ASSETSAnnual time series based value of natural resources that decrease in quantity over time.
BQ_LESS_ACCUMULATED_DEPLETIONAnnual time series based accumulated depletion value of depletable assets.
BQ_LANDAnnual time series based value of land portion of real estate investments.
BQ_INTANGIBLE_ASSETS_AMORTIZABLEAnnual time series based value of intangible assets, such as patents and trademarks.
BQ_LESS_ACCUMULATED_AMORTIZATIONAnnual time series based accumulated amortization of intangible assets.
BQ_OTHER_NON_CURRENT_ASSETSAnnual time series based value of non-current assets, such as long-term investments.
BQ_CURRENT_LIABILITIESAnnual time series based value of liabilities due within one year.
BQ_ACCOUNTS_PAYABLEAnnual time series based value of accounts payable to suppliers and creditors.
BQ_SHORT_TERM_DEBTAnnual time series based short-term debt obligations, payable within a year.
BQ_OTHER_CURRENT_LIABILITIESAnnual time series based value of other current liabilities.
BQ_NON_CURRENT_LIABILITIESAnnual time series based value of long-term liabilities.

Key Concepts

US Public Company data are available across multiple datasets

Various US Public Company data can be accessed through the following datasets. Employment data is available at various aggregation levels.

Use BQ_ID as a join key across datasets

Join these datasets to other time-series datasets from BrightQuery, using the BQ_ID, to find company firmographic information.