Professional Football Salary Data
Salary data for the five biggest leagues in the world and their 2nd divisions. All 1st division leagues have at least 10 seasons of salary coverage. Every 2nd division will have at least 5 seasons of salary coverage. MLS salary data is also included in a separate dataset.
Data Information | Value |
Refresh Cadence | Quarterly |
Historical Coverage | 2013 -Present |
League Coverage | Top 5 Leagues , MLS |
Name | Description |
ID | id |
COUNTRY_ID | The 2-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. Exceptions: United Kingdom (uk), Netherlands (ne). |
LEAGUE_ID | Unique and persistent ID associated with this league. |
LEAGUE_NAME | The name of the league |
SEASON_ID | The unique and persistent ID associated with the season. |
SEASON_TERM | season_term |
CLUB_ID | Unique and persistent ID associated with this club. |
CLUB_NAME | The name of the club |
CLUB_CODE | Club code |
PLAYER_ID | Unique and persistent ID associated with this player. |
PLAYER_NAME | The name of this player |
PLAYER_AGE | The age of this player |
PLAYER_DOB | The birthdate of this player. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. |
PLAYER_COUNTRY | The country/nationality of this player. |
PLAYER_COUNTRY_ID | The country/nationality of this player in ID format: lowercase, hypenated, no special characters. |
PLAYER_GROUP | The positional group of this player. |
PLAYER_GROUP_CODE | The positional group code of this player: F (Forward), M (Midfield), D (Defense), K (Keeper). |
SALARY_GROSS | The current gross salary of this player. |
SALARY_NET | The current net salary of this player. |
SALARY_SYMBOL | The base currency symbol denoting this player's current contract (€, £, $). |
SALARY_CURRENCY | The base currency denoting this player's current contract (EUR, GBP, USD). |
SALARY_GROSS_EUR | The current gross salary of this player in Euros (_eur). Available in British Pounds (_gbp) and US Dollars (_usd). |
SALARY_GROSS_GBP | The current gross salary of this player in British Pounds (_gbp). Available in Euros (_eur) and US Dollars (_usd). |
SALARY_GROSS_USD | The current gross salary of this player in US Dollars (_usd). Available in Euros (_eur) and British Pounds (_gbp). |
SALARY_NET_EUR | The current net salary of this player in Euros (_eur). Available in British Pounds (_gbp) and US Dollars (_usd). |
SALARY_NET_GBP | The current net salary of this player in British Pounds (_gbp). Available in Euros (_eur) and US Dollars (_usd). |
SALARY_NET_USD | The current net salary of this player in US Dollars (_usd). Available in Euros (_eur) and British Pounds (_gbp). |
ADJUSTED_GROSS_EUR | The inflation adjusted gross salary of this player in Euros (_eur). Available in British Pounds (_gbp) and US Dollars (_usd). |
ADJUSTED_GROSS_GBP | The inflation adjusted gross salary of this player in British Pounds (_gbp). Available in Euros (_eur) and US Dollars (_usd). |
ADJUSTED_GROSS_USD | The inflation adjusted gross salary of this player in US Dollars (_usd). Available in Euros (_eur) and British Pounds (_gbp). |
ADJUSTED_NET_EUR | The inflation adjusted net salary of this player in Euros (_eur). Available in British Pounds (_gbp) and US Dollars (_usd). |
ADJUSTED_NET_GBP | The inflation adjusted net salary of this player in British Pounds (_gbp). Available in Euros (_eur) and US Dollars (_usd). |
ADJUSTED_NET_USD | The inflation adjusted net salary of this player in US Dollars (_usd). Available in Euros (_eur) and British Pounds (_gbp). |
What leagues are included in the Dewey subscription?
- England: Premier League, Championship
- Italy: Serie A, Serie B
- Spain: La Liga, La Liga 2
- Germany: 1.Bundesliga, 2.Bundesliga
- France: Ligue 1, Ligue 2
- United States: MLS (provided in a separate dataset)
How is this data sourced?
Capology relies on a network of insiders directly involved in contract negotiations as well as news publications around the world. When this is insufficient, Capology’s algorithms provide a best estimate using over 20 variables, including age, position, date of last contract, and more.
What kind of salary information is available?
All Capology salaries are estimates of the player’s base salary only and do not include bonuses or performance incentives. Capology also provides gross (pre-tax) and net (post-tax) salary estimates for every player. Every monetary variable is available in three currencies: Euro, British Pound, and US Dollar, based on current exchange rates.
How does Capology estimate gross (pre-tax) and net (post-tax) salaries?
We consulted with international tax professionals to determine the best taxation rates across 100’s of leagues and countries, including regional differences and unique tax exemptions that exist for professional footballers. For the purpose of our work, we consider all players to be single and residents of the country or region that they play home games in.
Many countries in Europe also discuss and report on salaries differently. England, like the US, tends to discuss gross (pre-tax) salary figures, while Mediterranean countries like Italy and Spain tend to use net (post-tax) as a frame of reference. Based on the information received, Capology performs a forwards or backwards calculation to determine the other half of the salary estimate.
Updated 29 days ago