Home/Work Visits


This dataset is only available in institutional licenses


The Home/Work visits datasets include visits to a devices work and home location. The visits are resolved to GEOHAS-5due to privacy requirements.

Data InformationValue
Refresh CadenceMonthly
Historical Coverage2019-2024
Geographic CoverageUS


Field NameDescription
UTC_TIMESTAMPTimestamp in UTC in seconds since January 1, 1970.
LOCAL_TIMESTAMPTimestamp of when the visit began (local time).
ID_TYPEIndicates whether device is Android or iOS.
CAIDA hash that uniquely and anonymously identifies the device.
LOCATION_NAMEThe name of the point of interest visited.
TOP_CATEGORYThe top-level categorization of this point of interest.
SUB_CATEGORYA more specific categorization of this point of interest.
STREET_ADDRESSThe street number and street of the point of interest.
CITYThe city in which this point of interest is located.
STATEThe state (as postal code abbreviation) in which this point of interest is located.
ZIPCODEPostal zip code.
GEOHASH_55-digit geohash for the POI or home visit (if licensed).
CENSUS_BLOCK_GROUPCensus block group within which this POI or home visit is located.
NAICS_CODE6-digit NAICS code associated with sub_category.
BRANDSList of brands sold by dealerships for new cars.
MINIMUM_DWELLMinimum duration of visit (minutes).
SAFEGRAPH_PLACE_IDUnique and consistent ID tied to this POI.
PLACEKEYUnique and consistent ID provided by the placekey service.