Salary and Compensation Data - 12 Month Lag


WageScape offers compensation intelligence designed to provide the insights needed in today’s fast-moving, hyper-competitive talent market. Data includes salaries, along with role and company information such as company name, industry, and location. The supplementary role, tags, and time log files allow you to join additional attributes to this product.

Data InformationValue
Refresh CadenceMonthly on day 15
Historical Coverage2016-12 months ago
Geographical CoverageUnited States


Create a Dewey Data login and navigate to the Table Structure view in the product for a description of each variable.
WageScape - Salary and Compensation Table Structure

wagescape table


Where does WageScape data come from?

  • WageScape utilizes data from publicly available sources across the web, including aggregated job boards. WageScape adds 24.5 million publicly available job postings with employer reported salary ranges every month. By scanning the internet and aggregating information from publicly available job listings, they compile a vast dataset that represents the entire job market.

How is WageScape data validated?

  • WageScape utilizes several methodologies to validate the data and remove jobs that are outliers, inaccurate postings, duplicates and jobs with estimated pay ranges. WageScape data comes straight from the source, so it is as accurate as the data advertised by employers and you can review each data point exactly as it was originally posted.

Does WageScape have every job posting?

  • WageScape is made up of millions of individual data points and adds over 24.5 millions jobs each month. That’s more job data salary surveys have, however the data in WageScape still remains a sample of the market, and not every job posting is going to be captured by, for a variety of reasons ranging from quality checks to data collection processes they employ.