U.S. Mobile App Engagement


Built around an anonymized, opt-in consumer panel, GWS’s Magnify provides critical insights into smartphone engagement – from understanding customer expectations to measuring mobile app usage and network performance. Magnify provides timely insights, extracted from our consumer panel, to companies, investors, and analysts wanting to understand how consumers engage, how products and services are used and viewed, and which brands are competitive and trending up or down. Data is collected from consumer Android smartphones 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, whenever and wherever consumers use their devices.

Data InformationValue
Refresh CadenceMonthly
Historical Coverage2019-2024
Geographic CoverageUnited States


PANELISTIDUnique ID of the panelist.
INTENDEDMARKETThe market to which the panelist is designated
INTENDEDOPERATORThe mobile operator to which the panelist is designated based on their mobile account
DEVICEIDUnique device id, based on a variant of the Ad Id
FACTIDFor events, the unique ID of the event
OPERATORThe mobile operator’s network on which the device is receiving service at the time
STARTACCURACYRadius of uncertainty for the location at the start of event. Measured in meters.
PLATFORMAndroid version
STARTMARKETThe market in which the data is being collected at the start of the event
STARTSTATEThe US State at the start of event. e.g. CA, TX
STARTLANDMARKThe name of the venue at the start of the event (where available)
STARTINBUILDINGClassify if the event start location is inside a building. 1 - yes; null - unknown
STARTGEOBIN3The geobin of which the start location of the event belongs. The geobin is approximately 1km x 1 km. Format is geobin_latitude:geobin_longitude (e.g. 3350:-7011).
STARTZIPCODEZipcode at event start
ENDACCURACYRadius of uncertainty for the location at the end of event. Measured in meters.
ENDMARKETThe market in which the data is being collected at the end of the event
ENDSTATEThe US State at the end of event. e.g. CA, TX
ENDLANDMARKThe name of the venue at the end of the event (where available)
ENDLANDMARKCATEGORYThe venue category such as Hospital, Education Institution, Shopping center or major retail center etc. (where available)
ENDINBUILDINGClassify if the event end location is inside a building. 1 - yes; null - unknown
ENDGEOBIN3The geobin of which the end location of the event belongs. The geobin is approximately 1km x 1 km. Format is geobin_latitude:geobin_longitude (e.g. 3350:-7011).
ENDZIPCODEZipcode at event end
STARTTIMESTAMPStart time of event. Measured in GMT.
ENDTIMESTAMPThe time when event is ended. Measured in GMT.
ENDLONGITUDELongitude at the end of event
ENDLATITUDELatitude at the end of event
STARTLONGITUDELongitude at the start of event
STARTLATITUDELatitude at the start of event
STARTGEOHASHIDGeohash ID at the start of event.
STARTGEOHASHCENTERLONGLongitude of the Geohash center at the start of event
STARTGEOHASHCENTERLATLatitude of the Geohash center at the start of event
ENDGEOHASHIDGeohash ID at the end of event.
ENDGEOHASHCENTERLONGLongitude of the Geohash at the end of event
ENDGEOHASHCENTERLATLatitude of the Geohash at the end of event
ENDZIPPLUS49-digit zipcode at the end of event
STARTZIPPLUS49-digit zipcode at the start of event
APPDESCRIPTIONApplication name, if available
APPNAMEAndroid package name of the application e.g. 'com.facebook.katana'
ENDINBUILDINGAREAClassify if the event end location is inside a building. 1 = yes; 0 = no; null not in checked market
FOREGROUNDDURATIONDuration when the app is in foreground. Measured in millisecond
FOREGROUNDENDTIMEEnd time of the app exits foreground. Measured in GMT.
FOREGROUNDSTARTTIMEStart time of the app comes to foreground. Measured in GMT.
SCREENOFFTIMEEnd time when the screen goes off. Measured in GMT.
SCREENONDURATIONDuration when the screen is on. Measured in millisecond
SCREENONTIMEStart time when the screen goes on. Measured in GMT.
VISIBLEDURATIONDuration when the app is visible (foreground and screen on). Measured in millisecond
VISIBLEENDTIMEEnd time when the app is visible (foreground and screen on). Measured in GMT.
VISIBLESTARTTIMEStart time when the app is visible (foreground and screen on). Measured in GMT.
HASCONCURRENTEVENTIndicate if there are other apps currently visible in the foreground. Possible values: true vs false
ISPName of the Internet Service Provider
ISPTYPEType of ISP service: Home, Business or Null (Unknown)
START_DATACONNTECHData connection when the app becomes visible. Possible values are: 1xRTT, Cellular, EDGE,EHRPD, EVDO revision 0, EVDO revision A, GPRS, HSDPA, HSPA, HSPAP, HSUPA, IWLAN,LTE, No Service, UMTS, WIFI, Unknown, null
END_DATACONNTECHData connection when app becomes invisible. Possible values are: 1xRTT, Cellular, EDGE,EHRPD, EVDO revision 0, EVDO revision A, GPRS, HSDPA, HSPA, HSPAP, HSUPA, IWLAN,LTE, No Service, UMTS, WIFI, Unknown, null
YEARYear of the event
MONTHMonth of the event
DAYDay of the event