People and Resume


This dataset is only available in institutional licenses


50+ years of people-based data with over 650m resumes. This data includes job history, education history, associated addresses, and more.

Data InformationValue
Refresh CadenceAdhoc
Historical Coverage50 years historical data
Geographic CoverageGlobal


People and Resume Data is a Multi-Table dataset which allows you to access just the data you need. PDL.PEOPLE.PERSON is the primary table. You can join additional tables using the PERSON_ID identifier. The schema below is for the PDL.PEOPLE.PERSON table. For more information on how to access Multi-Table datasets via API, review our docs page.

JOB_COMPANY_LOCATION_COUNTRYThe person's current company's headquarters' country.
LOCATION_LOCALITYThe locality of the person's current address.
JOB_TITLEThe person's current job title.
LOCATION_LAST_UPDATEDThe timestamp for the current address update.
JOB_ONET_BROAD_OCCUPATIONO*NET Broad Occupation for the current job title.
JOB_COMPANY_LOCATION_STREET_ADDRESSHeadquarters' street address.
INDUSTRYThe self-identified company industry.
LOCATION_POSTAL_CODEHeadquarters' postal code.
JOB_LAST_CHANGEDTimestamp for the current job update.
JOB_COMPANY_INDUSTRYCurrent company's industry.
JOB_LAST_VERIFIEDLast verification timestamp for the current job.
JOB_COMPANY_LOCATION_NAMEFull name of the company's headquarters' location.
JOB_COMPANY_NAMECurrent company's name.
JOB_COMPANY_IDCurrent company's PDL ID.
JOB_COMPANY_WEBSITECurrent company's website.
JOB_COMPANY_LOCATION_METROHeadquarters' metro area.
JOB_COMPANY_FACEBOOK_URLFacebook URL of the current company.
SEXThe person's sex.
JOB_COMPANY_SIZECurrent company's size range.
JOB_COMPANY_TWITTER_URLTwitter URL of the current company.
JOB_ONET_MAJOR_GROUPO*NET Major Group for the job title.
JOB_ONET_MINOR_GROUPO*NET Minor Group for the job title.
JOB_COMPANY_LOCATION_ADDRESS_LINE_2Headquarters' street address line 2.
LOCATION_COUNTRYCountry of the current address.
JOB_TITLE_ROLEDerived role of the job title.
JOB_COMPANY_LINKEDIN_URLLinkedIn URL of the current company.
JOB_START_DATEStart date of the current job.
JOB_COMPANY_LOCATION_GEOGeographic coordinates of headquarters.
LOCATION_CONTINENTContinent of the current address.
JOB_COMPANY_FOUNDEDFounding year of the current company.
LOCATION_METROMetro area of the current address.
LOCATION_GEOGeographic coordinates of the address.
LOCATION_REGIONRegion of the current address.
LOCATION_NAMEFull location of the current address.
JOB_COMPANY_LOCATION_POSTAL_CODEHeadquarters' postal code.
BIRTH_YEARBirth year of the person.
JOB_COMPANY_LINKEDIN_IDLinkedIn ID of the current company.
JOB_TITLE_SUB_ROLESubrole of the job title.
DATASET_VERSIONRelease version number.