Aggregated Macro Consumer Spend Breakout by NAICS Code


Company Data for Academic Finance Research Covering Transactions aggregated by US Government NAICS Code. The tables in this dataset are also aggregated by Channel (Online, Offline, Unknown) and Region (West, Midwest, Northeast, or South)

Data InformationValue
Refresh CadenceWeekly
Historical Coverage2018-Present
Geographic CoverageUnited States


VERSIONPanel version; corresponds to most recent file date used in analysis
CHANNELChannel that the transaction took place in (ONLINE, OFFLINE/UNKNOWN)
NAICS3_CODE3-Digit NAICS code.
TRANS_DATEDate when transaction occurred
TRANS_COUNTNumber of transactions in our panel; number is not normalized
SPEND_AMOUNT_USDCumulative spend associated with date and segment and country; weighted and converted to USD

Key Concepts


This is a multi-table dataset

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Data Filters

Date RangeNo table reflects data associated with transactions received earlier than 1/1/2018.
Returns ExcludedReturn transactions are not included; this includes all transactions with values < $0.
Non-U.S. ZIPSCards which do not have a valid U.S. ZIP code and associated transactions are not included. Non-U.S. ZIP codes include US territories and military ZIPs.
Transactions >$10KTransactions greater than $10K are not included
Cardholders spending > $50K/monthCardholders who have spent more than $50K in any calendar month of our data history are excluded.
High-Volatility Financial InstitutionsAny financial institution (including within a processor) that has seen a change in cards or transactions per card that exceed volatility filters; any institution without transactions going back to the beginning of the dataset history.


NAICS Industries are delineated by US Government-defined 3-digit NAICS codes. NAICS codes are manually mapped to individual brands for transactions tagged to a main brand. For other transactions, MCC codes have been mapped to NAICS codes and then the transactions are mapped to NAICS codes via their MCC code where available.

Panel Information

The number of cards in the database is growing over time, both due to macro trends in credit card usage and due to bank-specific customer acquisition trends. In order to normalize for this card growth.

This panel goes back to 1/1/2015 for USA1 data; it goes back to 1/1/2018 for USA2 and Combined USA1-USA2 data.

Matching Merchant Descriptions to Brands:

  • Merchant names in the raw data are matched to brands.
  • Additional data like MCC codes (industry codes), transaction sizes, and proprietary fields are used to refine this matching.
  • Exceptions are tracked to ensure that subsidiary brands are included while non-revenue transactions are excluded.

Handling Complex Scenarios:

Special cases like "store-within-a-store" setups are carefully managed to credit revenue accurately to the appropriate brand. This ensures proper revenue attribution to the brand benefiting from the transaction.

Channel Identification:

  • Transactions are categorized as either ONLINE or OFFLINE/UNKNOWN based on tagging processes.
  • Catalogue and call center purchases are included in the ONLINE category.
  • If not all online transactions for a brand can be confidently identified, they are flagged as OFFLINE/UNKNOWN.
    If there’s insufficient confidence in the data, the channel is marked as NA.

Attributing Multi-Brand Transactions:

  • A single transaction can relate to multiple brands. For example: "PayPal DoorDash Wendy’s" might tag Wendy’s as the Main brand, DoorDash as the Delivery brand, and PayPal as the Payment brand.
  • Delivery brands’ revenue (e.g., fees and tips) is excluded from Main brand sales to avoid discrepancies caused by differing revenue capture rates.

Revenue Reporting for Delivery Brands:

Separate files (e.g., day_delivery and period_delivery) break out revenue related to Delivery brand transactions when a Main brand can be identified.