Occupational Wage


All US occupational wages in an aggregated dataset, including over 800 occupations. Statistical metrics such as means, medians, deciles, standard deviation & totals on an hourly and annual basis.

Data InformationValue
Refresh CadenceCadence
Historical Coverage2010-Present
Geographic CoverageUnited States


BQ_AREA_CDU.S. (99), state FIPS code, MSA, NECTA, or OEWS-specific nonmetropolitan area code
BQ_AREA_TYPEArea type (1-6)
BQ_ADDRESS_STATEPrimary state for the area. "US" for national estimates
BQ_NAICS_CODENAICS code for the industry
BQ_NAICS_DESCRIPTIONNAICS title for the industry
BQ_OCC_INDUSTRY_LEVELIndustry level description
BQ_OCC_OWNERSHIP_CDOwnership type (1-1235)
BQ_OCC_CD6-digit SOC or OEWS-specific occupation code
BQ_OCC_DESCRIPTIONSOC title or OEWS-specific title
BQ_OCC_ESTIMATED_TOTAL_EMPLOYMENTEstimated total employment rounded to nearest 10
BQ_OCC_PRSE_EMPLOYMENTPRSE for employment estimate (0-1000)
BQ_OCC_PER_1000_JOBS_PER_AREAJobs per 1,000 in the area
BQ_OCC_LOCATION_QUOTIENTEmployment ratio to U.S. average
BQ_OCC_PERCENT_INDUSTRY_EMPLOYMENTPercent of industry employment in occupation (0-122.32)
BQ_OCC_MEAN_HOURLY_WAGEMean hourly wage (-100 to 353.38)
BQ_OCC_MEAN_ANNUAL_WAGEMean annual wage (7.26-254430)
BQ_OCC_PRSE_MEAN_WAGEPRSE for mean wage (-100 to 89.99)
BQ_OCC_HOURLY_10TH_PERCENTILE_WAGE10th percentile hourly wage (7.25-114.78)
BQ_OCC_HOURLY_MEDIAN_WAGEMedian hourly wage (7.25-114.98)
BQ_OCC_ANNUAL_MEDIAN_WAGEMedian annual wage (1-57160)
BQ_OCC_RELEASE_OF_ANNUAL_WAGE_IND"TRUE" if only annual wages released
BQ_OCC_RELEASE_OF_HOURLY_WAGE_IND"TRUE" if only hourly wages released
BQ_YEARYear (2011-2023)