Pre-Foreclosure History


This dataset is only available in institutional licenses


This dataset provides complete and up-to-date nationwide pre-foreclosure and foreclosure records and details— the largest footprint available from any property data provider. From default notices, such as – Notice of Default (NODs) and Lis Pendens (LIS) – to both types of public foreclosure auctions – Notice of Trustee’s Sale (NTS) and Notice of Foreclosure Sale (NFS) – and bank real estate owned completed foreclosures (REOs) and more.

Foreclosure activity refers to properties with foreclosure filings; properties being taken back by lenders after borrowers have fallen behind on their mortgage payments. Foreclosure data typically includes information on default notices, public foreclosure auctions, bank real estate owned completed foreclosures (also known as REOs), and more.

The data is gathered from County recorder’s office, county courthouse, and newspaper publications. This data is also collected by including the following data points:

  • Borrower
  • Trustee
  • Lender and loan amount
  • Auction address, date, and opening bid
  • Record type (Notice of Default, Lis Pendens, Notice of Trustee Sale, Notice of Sale)
Data InformationValue
Refresh CadenceMonthly
Historical Coverage2004-Present
Geographic CoverageUS
Observation LevelPre-Foreclosure and Foreclosure events


TRANSACTIONIDThe unique transaction identifier for the transaction.
ATTOM_IDATTOM Data's Unique parcel identifier.
RECORDTYPEType of Default Document
SITUSSTATECODEState where the property is situated.
SITUSCOUNTYCounty where the property is situated.
PROPERTYJURISDICTIONNAMEName of the tax jurisdiction. This is typically the county with some exceptions. Exceptions are primarily in the New England area where the townships are the taxing authorities.
SITUSSTATECOUNTYFIPSState and county FIPS code where subject property is geographically located.
PARCELNUMBERFORMATTEDPrimary Parcel Number and unique identifier within the county/jurisdiction
PROPERTYADDRESSFULL123 1/2 N Main St - Full site address line.
PROPERTYADDRESSHOUSENUMBER123 1/2 N Main St - Site address house number and fraction.
PROPERTYADDRESSSTREETDIRECTION123 1/2 N Main St - Site address pre directional.
PROPERTYADDRESSSTREETNAME123 1/2 N Main St - Site address street name.
PROPERTYADDRESSSTREETSUFFIX123 1/2 N Main St - Site address street name suffix.
PROPERTYADDRESSSTREETPOSTDIRECTION100 Center NW Pl., Unit 4a - Site address post-directional.
PROPERTYADDRESSUNITPREFIX100 Center NW Pl., Unit 4a - Site address unit number Prefix.
PROPERTYADDRESSUNITVALUE100 Center NW Pl., Unit 4a - Site address unit number.
PROPERTYADDRESSCITYAnytown CA 90001-0001 CR0523 - Site address city name.
PROPERTYADDRESSSTATEAnytown CA 90001-0001 CR0523 - Site address state.
PROPERTYADDRESSZIPAnytown CA 90001-0001 CR0523 - Site address Zip Code.
PROPERTYADDRESSZIP4Anytown CA 90001-0001 CR0523 - Site address Zip Plus 4 code.
PROPERTYADDRESSCRRTAnytown CA 90001-0001 CR0523 - Site address Carrier Route.
PROPERTYADDRESSINFOPRIVACYIndicator of whether is a legal restriction on the property address being used for marketing.
PROPERTYLATITUDELatitude based on Situs Address.
PROPERTYLONGITUDELongitude based on Situs Address.
GEOQUALITYCode to indicate the level of quality of the geocodes as determined by the geocoding process.
ZONEDCODELOCALThe jurisdiction-specific zoned use value. Typically codified by the controlling jurisdiction.
PROPERTYUSEMUNICounty-specific use code which is used to map the PropertyUseStandardized field.
PROPERTYUSEGROUPGeneral property type description; residential, commercial, other, etc.
PROPERTYUSESTANDARDIZEDStandardized value to describe the property's intended land use. Derived from specific land use information obtained from the Assessor.
BATHCOUNTSum of bathrooms on the property.
BEDROOMSCOUNTSum of bedrooms on the property.
AREABUILDINGTotal / Gross building square footage.
AREABUILDINGDEFINITIONCODEDetails the area described by the AreaBuilding value.
AREALOTSFIndicates the lot size, in square feet.
AREALOTACRESIndicates the lot size, in acres.
YEARBUILTYear built of the primary structure.
YEARBUILTEFFECTIVEAdjusted year built based on condition and/or major structural changes of the structure.
ORIGINALLOANRECORDINGDATEContains the official filing date for the original loan transaction that is normally stamped or printed on the document in YYYY-MM-DD format.
ORIGINALLOANINSTRUMENTNUMBERRecorder's Instrument Number of the original loan document.
ORIGINALLOANBOOKPAGEBook and page of the original loan document.
ORIGINALLOANAMOUNTOriginal amount of loan in default.
ORIGINALLOANINTERESTRATEInterest rate of the original loan in default.
LOANMATURITYDATEMaturity date of loan in default in YYYY-MM-DD format.
FORECLOSUREINSTRUMENTDATECreation / Signature date on the instrument. Format YYYY-MM-DD. Not to be confused with the recording date.
FORECLOSURERECORDINGDATEDate on which the instrument was officially recorded at the county. Format YYYY-MM-DD.
FORECLOSUREINSTRUMENTNUMBERDocument number on the instrument.
FORECLOSUREBOOKPAGEBook and page on the instrument.
CASENUMBERA unique identifier established by the court in a judicial foreclosure proceeding. It is important to note that this is not a document level identifier, rather it is case level. A case consists of many documents. Thus, to match future documents regarding a case, for example, associating a release or dismissal of the foreclosure complaint, the case number must be matched.
TRUSTEEREFERENCENUMBERUnique number assigned by the trustee to track status of foreclosure and auction proceedings.
PAYMENTRegular monthly payment from related mortgage document
DEFAULTAMOUNTDefault amount noted on the instrument.
PENALTYINTERESTAmount of penalty interest accrued.
LOANBALANCERemaining balance on defaulted loan.
JUDGMENTDATEDate of final judgment if a lis pendens case in YYYY-MM-DD format.
JUDGMENTAMOUNTAmount of final judgment, including fees and interest.
COURTHOUSEName or description of courthouse hosting the public auction.
AUCTIONADDRESSFull unparsed address where the foreclosure auction is to be held.
AUCTIONHOUSENUMBERThe house number and fraction of the location of the foreclosure auction.
AUCTIONDIRECTIONThe pre directional of the location of the foreclosure auction.
AUCTIONSTREETNAMEThe street name of the location of the foreclosure auction.
AUCTIONSUFFIXThe street name suffix of the location of the foreclosure auction.
AUCTIONPOSTDIRECTIONThe post-directional of the location of the foreclosure auction.
AUCTIONUNITThe unit number of the location of the foreclosure auction.
AUCTIONCITYThe city name of the location of the foreclosure auction.
AUCTIONDATEDate of the foreclosure auction in YYYY-MM-DD format.
AUCTIONTIMEThe start time of the foreclosure auction.
RECORDEDAUCTIONOPENINGBIDAnticipated Opening Bid at the scheduled auction
ESTIMATEDVALUEEstimated value based on ATTOMData's Valuation Model as of the CreateDate below.
CREATEDATEDate the record was first created in YYYY-MM-DD format.
RECORDLASTUPDATEDThe last update date for the record in YYYY-MM-DD format.
PUBLICATIONDATEThe date on which the client's data file was extracted and delivered. Not to be associated with a county's publication, filing, or posted date.

Key Concepts ↗️


This attribute is defined as the official anticipated opening bid. It is not an assumption or calculation made by ATTOM.

Systematic gaps by county or state

Because foreclosures and notices are handled differently by county and state, there may appear to be gaps in the data. As an example, Washington is a non-notice state, meaning the first notice of default is the auction itself (whereas other states, the notice may come much earlier than the auction).