Residential Rental Data - United States
This dataset includes historical (off-market) listings for all CRE property types.
Data Information | Value |
Refresh Cadence | Adhoc |
Historical Coverage | 2018 -present |
Geographic Coverage | US |
Name | Description |
ID | Unique identification number associated with each listing observation |
STATE | State in which listing observation is located |
CITY | City in which listing observation is located |
ZIP | Property zip |
ADDRESS | Address of building, unit, or home referred to in listing observation |
COMPANY | Property manager or owner name as listed on source |
BUILDING_TYPE | Type of property referenced in listing observation |
BEDS | Number of bedrooms in listing observation |
BATHS | Number of bathrooms in listing observation |
SQFT | Approximate square footage in a listing observation |
RENT_PRICE | Advertised rent price for a listing observation |
GRANITE | Advertised rent price for a listing observation |
STAINLESS | The term "stainless" is mentioned within the marketing description |
POOL | The term "pool" is mentioned within the marketing description |
GYM | The term "gym" or "fitness center" or "health club" is mentioned within the marketing description |
DOORMAN | The terms "doorman" or "attended lobby" is mentioned within the marketing description |
FURNISHED | The term "furnished" is mentioned within the marketing description |
LAUNDRY | The terms "laundry" or "washer" or "washer/dryer" or "W/D" is mentioned within the marketing description |
GARAGE | The term "garage" is mentioned within the marketing description |
CLUBHOUSE | The term "clubhouse" is mentioned within the marketing description |
LATITUDE | Property Latitude |
LONGITUDE | Property Longitude |
DATE_POSTED | Date listing observation was posted on source |
DESCRIPTION | Raw marketing description as it appeared in the listing observation |
YEAR_BUILT | Year property constructed as reported by listing observation source |
Updated 12 days ago