Residential Rental Data - United States


This dataset includes historical (off-market) listings for all CRE property types.

Data InformationValue
Refresh CadenceAdhoc
Historical Coverage2018-present
Geographic CoverageUS


IDUnique identification number associated with each listing observation
STATEState in which listing observation is located
CITYCity in which listing observation is located
ZIPProperty zip
ADDRESSAddress of building, unit, or home referred to in listing observation
COMPANYProperty manager or owner name as listed on source
BUILDING_TYPEType of property referenced in listing observation
BEDSNumber of bedrooms in listing observation
BATHSNumber of bathrooms in listing observation
SQFTApproximate square footage in a listing observation
RENT_PRICEAdvertised rent price for a listing observation
GRANITEAdvertised rent price for a listing observation
STAINLESSThe term "stainless" is mentioned within the marketing description
POOLThe term "pool" is mentioned within the marketing description
GYMThe term "gym" or "fitness center" or "health club" is mentioned within the marketing description
DOORMANThe terms "doorman" or "attended lobby" is mentioned within the marketing description
FURNISHEDThe term "furnished" is mentioned within the marketing description
LAUNDRYThe terms "laundry" or "washer" or "washer/dryer" or "W/D" is mentioned within the marketing description
GARAGEThe term "garage" is mentioned within the marketing description
CLUBHOUSEThe term "clubhouse" is mentioned within the marketing description
LATITUDEProperty Latitude
LONGITUDEProperty Longitude
DATE_POSTEDDate listing observation was posted on source
DESCRIPTIONRaw marketing description as it appeared in the listing observation
YEAR_BUILTYear property constructed as reported by listing observation source