Import Performance Ocean Ports


This dataset provides insight into how efficiently ports are processing imports, including how performance has changed over time. It shows the average time from when a vessel arrives to when containers gate out for a look into end to end port processing.

Data InformationValue
Refresh CadenceMonthly
Historical Coverage2022 - present
Geographic CoverageGlobal
Observation LevelDaily Events per Port


EVENT_DTThe day in which the events recorded occurred
PORT_NAMEThe name of the ocean port
PORT_UNLOCODEThe United Nations location code of the ocean port
PORT_CITYCity name of the ocean port
PORT_STATEState/province name of the ocean port
PORT_COUNTRYCountry ISO code of the ocean port
PORT_REGIONThe region of the ocean port
PORT_LATITUDELatitude of the ocean port
PORT_LONGITUDELongitude of the ocean port
N_BERTH_LOCATIONSThe number of berth locations a port has available for container vessels
SEVEN_DAY_PERFORMANCEThe container throughput performance for the 7 days prior to the event date. Calculated as avg_hrs_arrive_to_berth + avg_hrs_berth_to_disc + avg_hrs_disc_to_gtot
PRIOR_SEVEN_DAY_PERFORMANCEThe container throughput performance for the 8-14 days prior to the event date. Calculated as avg_hrs_arrive_to_berth + avg_hrs_berth_to_disc + avg_hrs_disc_to_gtot
PERFORMANCE_CHANGE_HRSThe change in hours for the total time of vessel arrival to out-gate events between the prior two weeks
PERFORMANCE_CHANGEThe percent change between seven_day_performance and prior_seven_day_performance
PERFORMANCE_CHANGE_FLAGIndicates if an ocean port's performance has improved or degraded. This is based on the performance_change value
TEU_ARRIVEThe volume of twenty-foot equivalent units (TEU) that arrived at the ocean port on a vessel
TEU_ARRIVE_REEFERThe volume of refrigerated twenty-foot equivalent units (TEU) that arrived at the ocean port on a vessel
TEU_BERTHThe volume of twenty-foot equivalent units (TEU) that berthed at the ocean port on a vessel
TEU_BERTH_REEFERThe volume of refrigerated twenty-foot equivalent units (TEU) that arrived at the ocean port on a vessel
TEU_DISCThe volume of twenty-foot equivalent units (TEU) discharged from a vessel at the ocean port
TEU_DISC_REEFERThe volume of refrigerated twenty-foot equivalent units (TEU) discharged from a vessel at the ocean port
TEU_GTOTThe volume of twenty-foot equivalent units (TEU) out-gated at the ocean port
TEU_GTOT_REEFERThe volume of refrigerated twenty-foot equivalent units (TEU) out-gated at the ocean port
TEU_GTOT_TRUCKThe volume of twenty-foot equivalent units (TEU) out-gated at the ocean port by truck
TEU_GTOT_RAILThe volume of twenty-foot equivalent units (TEU) out-gated at the ocean port by rail
N_VES_ARRIVENumber of vessels that have arrived in the vicinity of the port on the indicated date
AVG_HRS_ARRIVE_TO_BERTHAverage time from vessel arrival to vessel berth (vessel wait time) for all vessels that have berthed at the ocean port
N_VES_BERTHNumber of vessels that transitioned from arrival at the port to a berthed state at a terminal on the indicated date
AVG_HRS_BERTH_TO_DISCAverage time from vessel berth to container discharge
N_CTNR_DISCThe number of containers that discharged from the vessel at the port of discharge (POD)
AVG_HRS_DISC_TO_GTOTAverage time from container discharge to out-gate (import dwell)
N_CTNR_GTOTThe number of containers that gated out from the port of discharge (POD)
AVG_HRS_DISC_TO_GTOT_TRUCKAverage time from container discharge to out-gate (import dwell) for containers out-gating on truck
N_CTNR_GTOT_TRUCKThe number of containers that gated out from the port of discharge (POD) on truck
AVG_HRS_DISC_TO_GTOT_RAILAverage time from container discharge to out-gate (import dwell) for containers out-gating on rail
N_CTNR_GTOT_RAILThe number of containers that gated out from the port of discharge (POD) on rail
N_VES_DEPARTNumber of vessels that transitioned from berthed to non-berthed status on the indicated date
TEU_CLEARANCE_RATE_1_DAYTwenty-foot equivalent units (TEU) where the difference between discharged and out-gated events is 24 hours or less divided by the number of containers out-gated
TEU_CLEARANCE_RATE_3_DAYTwenty-foot equivalent units (TEU) where the difference between discharged and out-gated events is 2-3 days divided by the number of containers out-gated
TEU_CLEARANCE_RATE_5_DAYTwenty-foot equivalent units (TEU) where the difference between discharged and out-gated events is 4-5 days divided by the number of containers out-gated
TEU_CLEARANCE_RATE_7_DAYTwenty-foot equivalent units (TEU) where the difference between discharged and out-gated events is 6-7 days divided by the number of containers out-gated
TEU_CLEARANCE_RATE_8_OR_MORE_DAYTwenty-foot equivalent units (TEU) where the difference between discharged and out-gated events is 8 or more days divided by the number of containers out-gated