POI Data


Latest monthly snapshot of global POI data, including detailed attributes on location, category, contact information, and more. Use the Customization feature to filter down to a region of interest.

Data InformationValue
Refresh CadenceAdhoc
Geographic CoverageGlobal


Special Variables

This is an example schema for the United States POI dataset.

DATAPLOR_IDUnique dataplor ID assigned to this record
NAMEThe name of the POI
MAIN_CATEGORYThe top level category of the POI
SUB_CATEGORYThe first mid level category of the POI
SUB_SUB_CATEGORYThe second mid level category of the POI
BUSINESS_CATEGORYThe lowest level, most granular category of the POI
PHONEPOI phone number
ADDRESSThe street address of the POI
ADDRESS2The street address of the POI
NEIGHBORHOODThe neighborhood the POI is located in
CITYThe city the POI is located in
STATEThe state the POI is located in
POSTAL_CODEThe local postal code of the POI
COUNTRY_CODEThe country code of the POI
COUNTRYThe country the POI is located in
LATITUDEThe latitude coordinate of the POI
LONGITUDEThe longitude coordinate of the POI
DATAPLOR_STATUSdataplor’s assessment on the active or inactive status of the point of interest

Key Concepts

Global Coverage

  • POI for each country are provided in separate datasets. You can review a complete list of datasets by country on the dataplor page on Dewey.