Retail Store Visitors
This dataset has recently been updated
For more information, visit the changelog.
Anonymized and aggregated visitor characteristic data for specific POIs, including date range, educational attainment, income, other brands visited, and more.
Data Information | Value |
Refresh Cadence | Adhoc |
Historical Coverage | 5 Years Rolling |
Geographic Coverage | United States |
Name | Description |
STORE_ID | The unique identifier of the particular store. |
NAME | The name of the store. |
BRAND | The name of the brand that the store belongs to. |
STREET_ADDRESS | The street address that the store is located on. May contain abbreviations. |
CITY | The city that the store is located in. |
STATE | The state that the store is located in, formatted as an abbreviation. |
ZIP_CODE | The zip code that the store is located in. |
MONTH_STARTING | The start date of the month. |
MONTH_ENDING | The end date of the month. |
TOTAL_VISITS | The total number of visits seen that week. |
VISITOR_BRAND_DESTINATIONS | The percentage of visitors who have been seen visiting another brand. |
VISITOR_PSYCHOGRAPHIC_PROFILES | The percentage of visitors classified in each of TransUnion’s 56 profiles. |
VISITOR_EDUCATIONAL_ATTAINMENT | The probability of visitors to have attained each level of education. |
VISITOR_INDUSTRY | The probability of visitors to be occupied in each industry. |
VISITOR_AGE_RANGE | The probability of visitors to be within each age range bracket. |
VISITOR_HOMEOWNERSHIP | The probability of visitors to own or rent their home. |
VISITOR_HOUSEHOLD_INCOME | The probability of visitors to be within each income bracket. |
VISITOR_COMMUTE | The probability of visitors to get to work for each transport type. |
Key Concepts
Quarterly Reinstatements
Pass_by produces a full refresh of their datasets each quarter. This means the historical data may change as they update their algorithm and fix any issues. Therefore, we recommend that you take note of the release “version” you accessed, as noted by the Date included in the product name, and only use one version for your research. Each version will have 5 years of rolling history.
Pass_by provides a unique identifier for each POI, Store_ID
. Use this key to match Retail Store Visits to Retail Store Visitors.
Updated about 2 months ago