Delaware Private Stock Filings
This dataset provides the capital structure, filing history, and corporate events tied to all private companies with an ultimate parent in Delaware, which constitutes about 2/3 of large companies.
Example tables include:
Legal Entity - Corporate information (name, founding date, address, parent/child corporate structure, class, ownership indicator (minority owned, women owned, hispanic owned, etc.)
Stock Time Series - Daily - (1.3B records) - Daily share filings. Includes company name, stock class, daily shares issued, par value.
Corporate Status - Longitudinal by year, corporate status information (status, tax type, franchise fees, interest fees, penalty fees, etc.)
Stock Event Timeline - Filing events by company. (Company, date, type (ex. SEC Form D filing))
Data Information | Value |
Refresh Cadence | Static |
Historical Coverage | 2010 - 2024 |
Company Coverage | US Based Companies Filded in Delaware |
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Delaware Stock Filings
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Key Concepts
as a join key across datasets and tables
as a join key across datasets and tablesJoin these datasets to other time-series datasets from BrightQuery, using the BQ_ID
, to find company firmographic information.
Updated about 1 month ago