

SafeGraph Spend data aggregates anonymized credit and debit transactions at specific points of interest over the course of a month. Attributes include aggregated transaction volume and amounts, as well as transaction intermediary (Apple Pay, Doordash, etc.), and anonymized customer details. Spend data is available for both online and offline transactions.

Data InformationValue
Refresh CadenceMonthly
Historical Coverage2019-Present
Geographic CoverageUnited States


Special Variables

PLACEKEYUnique and persistent ID tied to this POI. See the Placekey Concept for details on placekey design.
SAFEGRAPH_BRAND_IDSUnique and consistent ID(s) that represents this specific brand.
BRANDSIf this POI is an instance of a larger brand that we have explicitly identified.
SPEND_DATE_RANGE_STARTStart time for measurement period in ISO 8601 format of YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS±hh:mm.
SPEND_DATE_RANGE_ENDEnd time for measurement period in ISO 8601 format of YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS±hh:mm.
RAW_TOTAL_SPENDTotal amount spent at this POI in transactions captured by our panel during the date range.
RAW_NUM_TRANSACTIONSNumber of transactions at this POI captured by our panel during the date range.
RAW_NUM_CUSTOMERSNumber of unique customers with at least one transaction at this POI during the date range.
MEDIAN_SPEND_PER_TRANSACTIONMedian amount spent in each transaction at this POI.
MEDIAN_SPEND_PER_CUSTOMERMedian amount spent by each customer at this POI.
SPEND_PER_TRANSACTION_PERCENTILESThe 25th and 75th percentiles of spend_per_transaction at this POI.
SPEND_BY_DAYTotal amount spent at this POI each day over the covered time period.
SPEND_PER_TRANSACTION_BY_DAYMedian transaction size at this POI each day over the covered time period.
SPEND_BY_DAY_OF_WEEKTotal amount spent at this POI on each day of the week over the covered time period.
DAY_COUNTSThe number of times each day of the week occurred in the measurement period.
SPEND_PCT_CHANGE_VS_PREV_MONTHPercent difference between last month’s raw_total_spend and this month’s.
SPEND_PCT_CHANGE_VS_PREV_YEARPercent difference between last year’s same-month raw_total_spend and this month’s.
ONLINE_TRANSACTIONSThe number of online transactions at this POI during the date range.
ONLINE_SPENDThe amount spent at this POI through online methods during the date range.
TRANSACTION_INTERMEDIARYThe number of transactions at this POI based on the intermediary through which the transaction was made.
SPEND_BY_TRANSACTION_INTERMEDIARYTotal amount spent among transactions by intermediary, including no intermediary.
BUCKETED_CUSTOMER_FREQUENCYThe distribution of customer repeat frequencies based on pre-specified buckets.
MEAN_SPEND_PER_CUSTOMER_BY_FREQUENCYMean amount spent per customer at this POI based on customer frequency.
BUCKETED_CUSTOMER_INCOMESThe distribution of estimated customer incomes based on pre-specified buckets.
MEAN_SPEND_PER_CUSTOMER_BY_INCOMEMean amount spent per customer at this POI based on pre-specified customer income buckets.
CUSTOMER_HOME_CITYThe number of customers to the POI based on the customer’s estimated home location.
RELATED_CROSS_SHOPPING_PHYSICAL_BRANDS_PCTOther brands that customers to this POI also spent money with, in-person, this month.
RELATED_CROSS_SHOPPING_ONLINE_MERCHANTS_PCTOther merchants that customers to this POI also spent money with, online, this month.
RELATED_CROSS_SHOPPING_SAME_CATEGORY_BRANDS_PCTSame as related_cross_shopping_physical_brands_pct but filtered only to brands within the same 4-digit naics_code.
RELATED_CROSS_SHOPPING_LOCAL_BRANDS_PCTSame as related_cross_shopping_physical_brands_pct but filtered only to brands with matched transactions in the same zip code.
RELATED_WIRELESS_CARRIER_PCTPercent of customers that also spent money with specific wireless carriers during the month.
RELATED_STREAMING_CABLE_PCTPercent of customers that also spent money on specific streaming or cable services.
RELATED_DELIVERY_SERVICE_PCTPercent of customers that also spent money on specific online delivery services.
RELATED_RIDESHARE_SERVICE_PCTPercent of customers that also spent money on specific rideshare services.
RELATED_BUYNOWPAYLATER_SERVICE_PCTPercent of customers that also spent money on specific Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) services.
RELATED_PAYMENT_PLATFORM_PCTPercent of customers that also used specific payment platforms elsewhere during the month.


Details on the panel used to aggregate Spend Patterns anonymized consumer transaction data can be accessed as a related file on Dewey. Spend Patterns - Entire US Panel Summary ↗️

Brand Info

The brand_info dataset can be accessed as a related file on Dewey. Brand Info (Places, Patterns, Geometry, Spend) ↗️

A SafeGraph brand is defined as a store which has multiple locations all under the same logo or store banner.