Commercial Real Estate Listings


This dataset includes historical (off-market) listings for all CRE property types.

Data InformationValue
Refresh CadenceQuarterly
Historical Coverage2021-present
Geographic CoverageUS


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Commercial Real Estate Listings


How is the data sourced?

  • REsimplifi sources data from hundreds of public and private commercial real estate listing sites and sources. They programmatically collect, organize, normalize, and update the information available from the various listing services and include links to the original source when possible.

For the ‘year_renovated’ attribute, if it’s blank does it mean it has not been renovated or that it is unknown?

  • REsimplifi does not populate the year_renovated unless they are aware that a renovation has occurred. So a blank value could mean that no renovation has occurred or there is no data on whether or not a renovation has occurred.

What is the ‘id’ attribute?

  • The id field is a unique identifier for properties in the REsimplifi data which enables users to better manage the dataset. This unique identifier provides another option for querying the data so users don’t need to rely on complex address strings that have the potential to change over time.

What’s the ‘price’ attribute?

  • Price is the asking price for the property for sale

What’s the ‘cap_rate’ attribute?

  • cap_rate is the stated cap_rate on the listing. The capitalization rate of a real estate investment is calculated by dividing the property's net operating income (NOI) by the current market value.

What’s the ‘type’ attribute?

  • type indicates if the property is for sale or lease (or option for both)

What’s the ‘property_types’ attribute?

  • property_types indicate the category of commercial real estate - retail, multi-family, office, industrial, mixed-use hospitality, or land.

What’s the ‘building_sf’ attribute?

  • building_sf indicates the total square footage of the building or space for lease or sale.