Weather Data


Daily and hourly records of United States historical climate data from 2018 to present, including temperature, humidity, precipitation, windspeed, dew point, visibility, and sea level pressure from thousands of weather stations.

Data InformationValue
Refresh CadenceMonthly
Historical Coverage2018-Present
Geographic CoverageUnited States


CITY_LOCATION_IDENTIFIER__UP_TO_9_ALPHANUMERIC_CHARACTERS_City location identifier (up to 9 alphanumeric characters)
MAXIMUM_TEMPERATURE_C___FLOAT_VALUE_TO_NEAREST_HUNDREDTHS_PLACEMaximum Temperature C - float value to nearest hundredths place
MINIMUM_TEMPERATURE_C___FLOAT_VALUE_TO_NEAREST_HUNDREDTHS_PLACEMinimum Temperature C - float value to nearest hundredths place
AVERAGE_TEMPERATURE_C___FLOAT_VALUE_TO_NEAREST_HUNDREDTHS_PLACEAverage Temperature C - float value to nearest hundredths place
HEATING_DEGREE_DAYS_C___FLOAT_VALUE_TO_NEAREST_HUNDREDTHS_PLACEHeating Degree Days C - float value to nearest hundredths place
COOLING_DEGREE_DAYS_C___FLOAT_VALUE_TO_NEAREST_HUNDREDTHS_PLACECooling Degree Days C - float value to nearest hundredths place
PRECIPITATION_INTEGER_IN_HUNDREDTHS_OF_A_MILLIMETER___LIQUID_EQUIVALENT__0__IS_USED_FOR_TRACE_AMOUNTS_AND___1__IS_USED_FOR_NO_PRECIPITATIONPrecipitation integer in hundredths of a millimeter - liquid equivalent - "0" is used for trace amounts and "-1" is used for no precipitation
AVERAGE_RELATIVE_HUMIDITY_____FLOAT_VALUE_TO_NEAREST_HUNDREDTHS_PLACEAverage Relative Humidity % - float value to nearest hundredths place
AVERAGE_WIND_SPEED_KNOTS___FLOAT_VALUE_TO_NEAREST_HUNDREDTHS_PLACEAverage Wind Speed knots - float value to nearest hundredths place
AVERAGE_DEW_POINT_F___FLOAT_VALUE_TO_NEAREST_HUNDREDTHS_PLACEAverage Dew Point F - float value to nearest hundredths place
AVERAGE_VISIBILITY_KILOMETERS___FLOAT_VALUE_TO_NEAREST_HUNDREDTHS_PLACEAverage Visibility kilometers - float value to nearest hundredths place
AVERAGE_SEA_LEVEL_PRESSURE_MILLIBARS___FLOAT_VALUE_TO_NEAREST_HUNDREDTHS_PLACEAverage Sea Level Pressure millibars - float value to nearest hundredths place

Key Concepts

Daily and Hourly Aggregations Available

  • Daily and Hourly weather data are available via separate datasets on Dewey. Depending on the level of granularity your research requires, select the corresponding dataset.