Weather Data
Daily and hourly records of United States historical climate data from 2018 to present, including temperature, humidity, precipitation, windspeed, dew point, visibility, and sea level pressure from thousands of weather stations.
Data Information | Value |
Refresh Cadence | Monthly |
Historical Coverage | 2018 -Present |
Geographic Coverage | United States |
Name | Description |
CITY_LOCATION_IDENTIFIER__UP_TO_9_ALPHANUMERIC_CHARACTERS_ | City location identifier (up to 9 alphanumeric characters) |
MAXIMUM_TEMPERATURE_C___FLOAT_VALUE_TO_NEAREST_HUNDREDTHS_PLACE | Maximum Temperature C - float value to nearest hundredths place |
MINIMUM_TEMPERATURE_C___FLOAT_VALUE_TO_NEAREST_HUNDREDTHS_PLACE | Minimum Temperature C - float value to nearest hundredths place |
AVERAGE_TEMPERATURE_C___FLOAT_VALUE_TO_NEAREST_HUNDREDTHS_PLACE | Average Temperature C - float value to nearest hundredths place |
HEATING_DEGREE_DAYS_C___FLOAT_VALUE_TO_NEAREST_HUNDREDTHS_PLACE | Heating Degree Days C - float value to nearest hundredths place |
COOLING_DEGREE_DAYS_C___FLOAT_VALUE_TO_NEAREST_HUNDREDTHS_PLACE | Cooling Degree Days C - float value to nearest hundredths place |
PRECIPITATION_INTEGER_IN_HUNDREDTHS_OF_A_MILLIMETER___LIQUID_EQUIVALENT__0__IS_USED_FOR_TRACE_AMOUNTS_AND___1__IS_USED_FOR_NO_PRECIPITATION | Precipitation integer in hundredths of a millimeter - liquid equivalent - "0" is used for trace amounts and "-1" is used for no precipitation |
AVERAGE_RELATIVE_HUMIDITY_____FLOAT_VALUE_TO_NEAREST_HUNDREDTHS_PLACE | Average Relative Humidity % - float value to nearest hundredths place |
AVERAGE_WIND_SPEED_KNOTS___FLOAT_VALUE_TO_NEAREST_HUNDREDTHS_PLACE | Average Wind Speed knots - float value to nearest hundredths place |
AVERAGE_DEW_POINT_F___FLOAT_VALUE_TO_NEAREST_HUNDREDTHS_PLACE | Average Dew Point F - float value to nearest hundredths place |
AVERAGE_VISIBILITY_KILOMETERS___FLOAT_VALUE_TO_NEAREST_HUNDREDTHS_PLACE | Average Visibility kilometers - float value to nearest hundredths place |
AVERAGE_SEA_LEVEL_PRESSURE_MILLIBARS___FLOAT_VALUE_TO_NEAREST_HUNDREDTHS_PLACE | Average Sea Level Pressure millibars - float value to nearest hundredths place |
Key Concepts
Daily and Hourly Aggregations Available
- Daily and Hourly weather data are available via separate datasets on Dewey. Depending on the level of granularity your research requires, select the corresponding dataset.
Updated about 1 month ago