Convenience Store Transactions Data
Reporting on the items purchased within transactions at independent convenience stores. Each row represents a transaction and may consist of multiple items.
Data Information | Value |
Refresh Cadence | Adhoc |
Historical Coverage | 2019 -present |
Geographic Coverage | United States |
Name | Description | Rows Populated |
STORE_ID | Primary key of the stores table. | 24,122 (100%) |
STORE_NAME | The store name. | 24,122 (100%) |
STORE_CHAIN_ID | Unique store chain identifier. | 24,122 (100%) |
STORE_CHAIN_NAME | The store chain name. | 24,122 (100%) |
STREET_ADDRESS | The street address. | 24,122 (100%) |
CITY | The city. | 24,122 (100%) |
STATE | The state. | 24,122 (100%) |
ZIP_CODE | The zip code. | 24,122 (100%) |
LATITUDE | Latitude. | 24,122 (100%) |
LONGITUDE | Longitude. | 24,122 (100%) |
START_DATE | The start date for the store with Skupos. | 24,109 (99.95%) |
START_WEEK_CONTINUOUS_DATA | Start week with continuous data (no gaps). | 24,109 (99.95%) |
CHAIN_SIZE | Number of stores in the chain. | 24,121 (99.99%) |
CREATED_AT | Date-time record was created. | 24,122 (100%) |
UPDATED_AT | Date-time record was last updated. | 24,122 (100%) |
Key Concepts
Multi-Table Dataset
- Convenience Store Transactions Data is a Multi-Table dataset which allows you to access just the data you need.
is the primary table. You can join additional tables using theSTORE_ID
identifier. - For more information on how to access Multi-Table datasets via API, review our docs page.
Joining PDI tables
- There are 10 total tables that make up the full Convenience Store Transaction Dataset. Those datasets relate to each other through unique identifiers for shoppers, stores, transactions, and payments.
Frequently Used Tables
- The following four tables can be used to conduct almost any type of market analysis. All the tables can be joined together using their unique ID fields:
Dimensional Tables
- Contains store and locational attributes that can be used for geolocation based analytics
- Join to the transactional tables on STORE_ID to pull in store attributes
- Contains GTIN attributes used for category, brand, and product level analytics
- Join to the TRANSACTION_ITEMS table on GTIN to pull in product attributes
Transactional Tables
- Contains information on the transaction at the individual item level
- Contains information on the transaction at the basket level
- To speed up your queries and ensure you’re looking at the most relevant data use filters such as the ones below. These are just handful of filter examples, there are of course many other fields you can
use to filter your queries.SCAN_TYPE
- This field indicates the type of item scanned at the point of sale. This field can be found in the Transaction Items table. The field values found in this column are GTIN, PLU, FMT_ERR, and
NONSCAN. - To filter for only in-store merchandise transactions use:
where scan_type in (GTIN
- This field indicates the type of item scanned at the point of sale. This field can be found in the Transaction Items table. The field values found in this column are GTIN, PLU, FMT_ERR, and
- This timestamp field indicates the exact time the point of sale recorded for a given transaction. This field can be found in any of the transactional tables such as Transaction Items, Transaction Sets,
Payments, etc. - To filter for a specific time period use:
where date_time between '<specific_date>' and '<specific_date>' where date_time >= dateadd(year,-1,current_date)
- This timestamp field indicates the exact time the point of sale recorded for a given transaction. This field can be found in any of the transactional tables such as Transaction Items, Transaction Sets,
- This field is Skupos' unique store identifier when a retailer signs up for our platform. This field is found in the Stores table.
- To filter for specific store IDs use:
where store_id = <specific_store_id> where store_id in (<specific_store_id>,<specific_store_id>,<n_specific_store_id>)
Updated 2 months ago