Building Permit - United States
Structured building permit data for the municipalities in the United States.
Attributes include building geolocation information (CBSA, county, state, address, etc.), permit information (number, record type, status, etc.), timeline information (file date, permit date, final date, etc.) and project information (descriptions, contractors, owners, designers, etc.).
Data Information | Value |
Refresh Cadence | Monthly |
Historical Coverage | 1753 -Present |
Geographical Coverage | United States |
Observation Level | Building permits by Assessor Parcel Number (APN) |
Name | Description |
CBSA_FIPS | Core-Based Statistical Area fips code |
CBSA | Core-Based Statistical Area / Metropolitan Statistical Area |
COUNTY_FIPS | County fips code |
COUNTY | County name |
STATE_FIPS | State fips code |
STATE | Standardized property state |
JURISDICTION | Jurisdiction that governs a given permit |
STREET | Standardized property address |
CITY | Standardized property city |
ZIPCODE | Standardized property zip code |
APN | Parcel number, standardized by county |
PERMIT_NUMBER | Permit number assigned by jurisdiction |
RECORD_TYPE_ORIGINAL | Original type of permit; varies by jurisdiction |
RECORD_SUBTYPE_ORIGINAL | Original subtype of permit; varies by jurisdiction |
STATUS_NORMALIZED | Permit status normalized across jurisdictions |
STATUS_ORIGINAL | status_original |
FILE_DATE | Date the permit application was created |
PERMIT_DATE | Date the permit was issued |
FINAL_DATE | Date the project was complete |
DESCRIPTION | Description of the project; sometimes long sentences |
JOB_VALUE | Job value on permit record |
TOTAL_FEES | Fees paid for the permit |
CONTRACTOR_BIZ_NAME_ORIGINAL | Business name of contractor on permit record |
CONTRACTOR_NAME_ORIGINAL | Name of contractor on permit record |
CONTRACTOR_LICENSE | License of contractor on permit record |
CONTRACTOR_STREET | Street address of contractor on permit record |
CONTRACTOR_CITY | City of contractor on permit record |
CONTRACTOR_STATE | contractor_state |
CONTRACTOR_ZIPCODE | Zip code of contractor on permit record |
OWNER_CITY | City of owner on permit record |
OWNER_STATE | State of owner on permit record |
OWNER_ZIPCODE | Zip code of owner on permit record |
APPLICANT_CITY | City of applicant on permit record |
APPLICANT_STATE | State of applicant on permit record |
APPLICANT_ZIPCODE | Zip code of applicant on permit record |
ARCHITECT_LICENSE | License of architect on permit record |
ARCHITECT_CITY | City of architect on permit record |
ARCHITECT_STATE | State of architect on permit record |
ARCHITECT_ZIPCODE | Zip code of architect on permit record |
ENGINEER_LICENSE | License of engineer on permit record |
ENGINEER_CITY | City of engineer on permit record |
ENGINEER_STATE | State of engineer on permit record |
ENGINEER_ZIPCODE | Zip code of engineer on permit record |
DESIGNER_LICENSE | License of designer on permit record |
DESIGNER_CITY | City of designer on permit record |
DESIGNER_STATE | State of designer on permit record |
DESIGNER_ZIPCODE | Zip code of designer on permit record |
NEW_DWELLING | new_dwelling |
NEW_ADU | new_adu |
ACCESSORY_STRUCTURE | accessory_structure |
POOL_SPA | pool_spa |
ROOM_ADDITION | room_addition |
KITCHEN_REMODEL | kitchen_remodel |
BATH_REMODEL | bath_remodel |
SOLAR | solar |
REROOF | reroof |
UTILITIES | utilities |
WINDOW_DOOR | window_door |
FOUNDATION | foundation |
SITEWORK | sitework |
DEMOLITION | demolition |
EXTERIOR_REMODEL | exterior_remodel |
TENANT_IMPROVEMENT | tenant_improvement |
RESIDENTIAL | residential |
AIR_SOURCE_HEAT_PUMP | air_source_heat_pump |
GROUND_SOURCE_HEAT_PUMP | ground_source_heat_pump |
EV_CHARGER | ev_charger |
SOLAR_BATTERY_STORAGE | solar_battery_storage |
ELECTRICAL_PANEL_UPGRADE | electrical_panel_upgrade |
ELECTRICAL_SERVICE_UPGRADE | electrical_service_upgrade |
EFFICIENCY | efficiency |
HEAT_PUMP_WATER_HEATER | heat_pump_water_heater |
INDUCTION_STOVE | induction_stove |
WIND | wind |
COMMERCIAL | commercial |
MULTIFAMILY | multifamily |
PUBLIC_WORK | public_work |
DWELLING_TYPE | Type of new or existing dwelling (SFD, condo, townhome, multifamily) |
CONSTRUCTION_TYPE | Construction type of new or existing building |
SIZE_SQUARE_FEET | Size of building in sqft |
NUM_FLOORS | Number of floors in building |
NUM_ROOMS | Number of rooms in new or existing building |
NUM_BEDS | Number of bedrooms in new or existing dwelling |
NUM_BATHS | Number of bathrooms in new or existing dwelling |
NUM_UNITS | Condition of building: new, existing, replacement |
NUM_BUILDINGS | Number of new or existing buildings |
CONDITION | Condition of building: new, existing, replacement |
ACCESSORY_STRUCTURE_TYPE | Type of accessory structure the work is performed on |
ATTACHED_DETACHED | Relation of structure to primary building |
ADU_TYPE | Type of ADU |
ADU_LEGALIZATION | ADU legalization flag |
SOLAR_INSTALL_TYPE | Type of solar panel/roof installed |
SOLAR_BRAND | Name of solar brand/manufacturer |
SOLAR_PANEL_POWER | Power of solar panels in kW |
SOLAR_SYSTEM_CAPACITY | Capacity of solar system in kWh |
SOLAR_BATTERY_INCLUDED | Presence of solar backup battery flag |
NUM_SOLAR_PANELS | Number of solar panels |
UTILITY_TYPE | Type of utility installed or performed work on |
UTILITY_CAPACITY | Capacity of utility based on its type |
ROOM_ADDITION_TYPE | Type of room addition |
REMODEL_MATERIALS_USED | Materials used during remodel |
KITCHEN_ITEMS_INSTALLED | Items replaced or installed during kitchen remodel |
BATH_ITEMS_INSTALLED | Items replaced or installed during bath remodel |
FOUNDATION_TYPE | Type of exterior remodel |
FOUNDATION_WORK_TYPE | Work type performed on foundation |
POOL_TYPE | Type of pool or spa |
REROOF_TYPE | Type of reroof |
REROOF_MATERIAL | Reroofing materials |
SIZE_SQUARES | Number of squares in re-roofing projects |
SITEWORK_TYPE | Type of sitework performed |
VOLUME | Volume of sitework in yard, ton, cubic yards |
WINDOW_DOOR_TYPE | Type of window or door installation |
NUM_WINDOWS | Number of windows installed/replaced |
NUM_DOORS | Number of doors installed/replaced |
EXTERIOR_REMODEL_TYPE | Type of exterior remodel |
DEMO_FULL_PARTIAL | Full or partial demolition flag |
DATA | data |
Updated about 2 months ago