Geolocation IP Address Data


This dataset maps billions of public IP addresses around the world to their geolocation positions. IPinfo builds and maintains its own proprietary IP geolocation database, which is used to generate various forms of geographic information for internet traffic. Data such as latitude and longitude coordinates, timezone, region, country, city and postal/zip code is included.

Data InformationValue
Refresh CadenceMonthly
Geographic CoverageGlobal


START_IP_INTStarting IP address of an IP address range
END_IP_INTEnding IP address of an IP address range
JOIN_KEYSpecial variable to facilitate join operation
START_IPStarting IP address of an IP address range
END_IPEnding IP address of an IP address range
CITYCity of the location
REGIONRegion of the location
COUNTRYISO 3166 country code
LATLatitude value of the location
LNGLongitude value of the location
POSTALPostal code of the location
TIMEZONELocal time zone

Key Concepts

Additional Geolocation extension datasets are available via the related datasets section

Last Changed

  • This data shows how long the current location has been assigned to get a sense of how stable the IP is.


  • This dataset adds a radius column to the geolocation data. The radius column represents the accuracy radius of our IP geolocation data, which shows the "statistical confidence" in the accuracy of the provided geolocation information. The radius field is measured in kilometers. The lower the radius number is, the more we are confident we are accurate, and vice-versa.