Whois Full Dataset


IP Whois data describes the owners of IP address ranges. Globally, Whois data is managed by different organizations in different regions (Regional Internet Registries, or RIRs). Each RIR has a slightly different data format and structure but the same basic information.

This data set eliminates the toil of having to manage the nuances in the data and standardize across the individual RIRs. IPinfo bulk downloads the IP Whois data daily from RIRs then processes and restructures the data to deliver a consistent, user-friendly IP Whois data set from all of the RIRs.

Data InformationValue
Refresh CadenceMonthly
Historical Coverage1970-Present
Geographic CoverageGlobal


IDRaw netblock identifier from WHOIS
NAMEName of netblock
COUNTRYISO 3166 country code
ORG_IDID or name of organization responsible for netblock
CREATEDCreated date
UPDATEDLast updated date (taken from WHOIS entry)
SOURCERIR associated with record (RIPE, ARIN, etc.)

Key Concepts

The primary dataset is the Whois ASN dataset. The other Whois datasets can be found in the Related section.

  • The related section contains additional datasets that can be joined to the ASN table
    • Point of Contact
    • Organization
    • Network
    • Maintainer