Consumer Insights


10 years’ (40 quarters) of online survey data in the United States. Unaided product and outlet capture allows read of much smaller brands and retailers. Data in this file is for years 2012-2022. Primary, quantitative survey data allows collection of comprehensive KPIs not available through POS data, receipt data, or other sources.

OpenBrand's market insights and consumer survey data for durable goods provides researchers with the information needed to uncover trends, reveal patterns, and even predict consumer behavior and industry trends. These data include 10 years of historical data from market share to purchase drivers to consideration sets, demographics, online v. in-store channel and more.

Data InformationValue
Refresh CadenceQuarterly
Historical Coverage2012-2022


Create a Dewey Data login and navigate to the Table Structure view in the product for a description of each variable. The table structure is the same across OpenBrand datasets. Consumer Insights - Major Appliances

Key Concepts

Primary Key

  • The primary key of a data file is: Period, RespondentID, and ProductID.

Multi-Punch Variables

  • Several variables are “multi-punch” variables. In a multi-punch variable, the respondent can provide more than one answer to the question. To accommodate this, another column is added with three underscores and an index number. For instance, a respondent provides two answers to the Why_Bought_Brand question, in the table there are Why_Bought_Brand and Why_Bought_Brand___1.
    • If a column has three underscores, then it is a multi-punch variable. No other variables contain three underscores.

Multi-Punch Variable

Single Punch Version

Why_Bought_Brand Why_Bought_Brand\_\_\_1

Why_Brand_Appearance Why_Brand_Features Why_Brand_Good_Name Why_Brand_Guarantee Why_Brand_Other Why_Brand_Prev_Owned Why_Brand_Price Why_Brand_Quality Why_Brand_Recommended Why_Brand_Right_Size

Why_Bought_Store Why_Bought_Store\_\_\_1

Why_Store_Advertising Why_Store_Credit Why_Store_Display Why_Store_Experience Why_Store_Location Why_Store_Other Why_Store_Price Why_Store_Recommended Why_Store_Repairs Why_Store_Salespeople Why_Store_Saw_in_Store Why_Store_Selection Why_Store_Stands_Behind_Prod

BrandConsidered\_Multi BrandConsidered\_Multi\_\_\_1 BrandConsidered\_Multi\_\_\_2 BrandConsidered\_Multi\_\_\_3

Shopped_Brand_X, where “X” is some brand name. This will have a value of 1 if the respondent bought Brand X or shopped for Brand X.

Outlet\_Shopped\_Multi Outlet_Shopped_Multi\_\_\_1 Outlet_Shopped_Multi\_\_\_2 Outlet_Shopped_Multi\_\_\_3

Shopped_A, where “A” is some outlet/retailer name. This will have a value of 1 if the respondent bought from Store A or shopped at Store A.