Import Performance


This dataset provides insight into how efficiently ports are operating, including how performance has changed over time. It shows the average time from when a vessel arrives to when containers gate out for a look into end to end port processing.

Data InformationValue
Refresh CadenceMonthly
Historical Coverage2022 - present
Geographic CoverageGlobal
Observation LevelDaily Events per Port


EVENT_DTDay of recorded events
PORT_UNLOCODEUnited Nations location code for the port of destination
PORT_REGIONRegion of the port of destination
PORT_COUNTRYCountry of the port of destination
PORT_STATEState of the port of destination (if applicable)
PORT_CITYCity of the port of destination
PORT_NAMEName of the port of destination
PORT_LONGITUDELongitude of the port of destination
PORT_LATITUDELatitude of the port of destination
TEU_VOLUME_DISCHARGEDThe volume of TEU discharged from vessel at the POD
TEU_VOLUME_DISCHARGED_REEFERThe volume of refrigerated TEU discharged from vessel at the POD
TEU_VOLUME_GATE_OUTThe volume of TEU gated out at the POD
TEU_VOLUME_GATE_OUT_TRUCKThe volume of TEU gating out of the POD by the mode of truck
TEU_VOLUME_GATE_OUT_RAILThe volume of TEU gating out of the POD by the mode of rail
TEU_VOLUME_GATE_OUT_REEFERThe volume of refrigerated TEU gated out at the POD
N_FOR_HRS_BERTHNumber of hours for berth
N_FOR_HRS_DISCHARGENumber of hours for discharge
N_FOR_HRS_GTOTNumber of hours for gate out
TOTAL_HRS_DWELL_VES_BERTotal hours dwell in berth
TOTAL_HRS_DISCTotal hours for discharge
TOTAL_HRS_GTOTTotal hours in gate out
DWELL_TIME_TRUCKImport dwell time, of all TEU gating out from the port by mode of truck, the average time between events
DWELL_TIME_RAILImport dwell time, of all TEU gating out from the port by mode of rail, the average time between events
NUMBER_OF_VESSELS_ARRIVINGNumber of vessels arriving in the vicinity of the port on the indicated date
NUMBER_OF_VESSELS_BERTHEDNumber of vessels transitioning to a berthed state at the terminal on the indicated date
NUMBER_OF_VESSELS_DEPARTINGNumber of vessels transitioning from berthed to non-berthed status
TEU_VOLUME_BERTHThe volume of TEU berthing at the POD by the mode of vessel
NUMBER_BERTHING_LOCATIONSNumber of berthing locations
TEU_VOLUME_BERTH_REEFERThe volume of refrigerated TEU berthing at the POD by the mode of vessel
TEU_VOLUME_ARRIVINGThe volume of TEU arriving at the POD by the mode of vessel
TEU_VOLUME_ARRIVING_REEFERThe volume of refrigerated TEU arriving at the POD by the mode of vessel
DWELL_TIMEImport dwell time, of all TEU gating out from the port, the average time between discharge and gate out
TOTAL_TIME_FROM_ARRIVAL_TO_BERTHTotal time between arrival and berth events for vessels which berthed at the port
TOTAL_TIME_FROM_BERTH_TO_DISCHARGETotal time between berth and discharge events for vessels
TOTAL_TIME_FROM_DISCHARGE_TO_GATEOUTTotal time between discharge and gate out events for TEU containers
TEU_CLEARANCE_RATE_1_DAYRate of TEU cleared within 1 day after discharge
TEU_CLEARANCE_RATE_3_DAYRate of TEU cleared within 2-3 days after discharge
TEU_CLEARANCE_RATE_5_DAYRate of TEU cleared within 4-5 days after discharge
TEU_CLEARANCE_RATE_7_DAYRate of TEU cleared within 6-7 days after discharge
TEU_CLEARANCE_RATE_8_OR_MORE_DAYRate of TEU cleared after 8 or more days
SEVEN_DAY_PERFORMANCEAverage time from vessel arrival to container gate out over the past 7 days
PRIOR_SEVEN_DAY_PERFORMANCEAverage time from vessel arrival to container gate out for the prior 8-14 days
PERFORMANCE_CHANGEPercent change in performance over the prior two weeks
PERFORMANCE_CHANGE_IN_HOURSChange in hours for performance over the prior two weeks
PERFORMANCE_CHANGE_FLAGFlag indicating whether a port's performance has improved or degraded