Construction Job Site Rentals


Ticket Works is for BP Works equipment rentals orders and tracks machinery rentals such as lifts, booms, lulls and other relevant equipment used in the general construction and residential/commercial roofing. Length of the rental and associated costs/pricing is determined by how long a piece of equipment is used at a job site by the customer.

Data InformationValue
Refresh CadenceMonthly
Historical Coverage2018-Present
Geographic CoverageUnited States, Canada


CUSTOMER_WORKS_CUSTOMER_IDInternal customer designator
BP_PO_NUMBERInternal purchase order number
RENTAL_START_DATEDate of rental start
CALL_OFF_DATEDate of rental completion
CREATED_DATEDate when ticket is created
DAILY_RATE_CUSTOMERCustomer charge for day rate
WEEKLY_RATE_CUSTOMERCustomer charge for weekly rate
MONTHLY_RATE_CUSTOMERCustomer charge for monthly rate
PRODUCT_DESCDescription of rental equipment
RENTAL_FREQUENCYLength of time for rental
PICKUP_CUSTOMERCustomer pickup fee
DELIVERY_CUSTOMERCustomer delivery fee
DELIVERY_DATEDate of rental delivery
DELIVERY_TIMETime of day for rental delivery
PASS_FUELAdditional fuel charge for usage
JOB_TYPE_DESCType of service being used
JOB_NUMBERInternal Job identifier
JOB_SITE_CITYCity of job site
JOB_SITE_STATEState of job site
JOB_SITE_ZIPPostal code of job site
JOB_SITE_COUNTYCounty of job site
CUSTOMER_CITYCustomer city location
CUSTOMER_ZIPCustomer postal code location