Monthly Patterns


Aggregated raw counts of visits to POIs from a panel of mobile devices over a given month, detailing how often people visit, how long they stay, where they came from, where else they go, and more.

This dataset includes visitor and demographic aggregations for points of interest (POIs) in the US over the course of a month. This contains aggregated raw counts of visits to POIs from a panel of mobile devices, answering how often people visit, how long they stay, where they came from, where else they go, and more. Data is anonymized and aggregated to provide insights into the volume of visitors to certain locations and overall behavioral patterns. SafeGraph Places and Geometry datasets which can be added to Patterns via the Placekey unique identifier for further context.

Data InformationValue
Refresh CadenceMonthly
Historical Coverage2019-Present
Geographic CoverageUS


Monthly Patterns Important Variables

Column NameDescriptionExample
placekeyUnique ID tied to this POI. This
parent_placekeyIf place is encompassed by a
larger place (e.g. mall, airport),
this lists the placekey of the
parent place; otherwise null.
location_nameThe name of the place of interest.Salinas Valley Ford
street_addressStreet address of the place of interest.1100 Auto Center
cityThe city of the point of interest.Irvine
regionThe state, province or county of the place of interest.CA
postal_codeThe postal code of the place of interest.92602
iso_country_codeThe 2 letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code.US
brand_idsUnique and consistent ID that
represents this specific brand.
BRAND_59dcabd7cd239 5a2, BRAND_8310c2e3461b8 b5a
brandsIf this POI is an instance of a larger brand that we have explicitly identified, this column will contain that brand name.Ford, Lincoln
date_range_startStart time for measurement period in ISO 8601 format of YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:SS±hh:mm (local time with offset from GMT). The start time will be 12 a.m. Monday in local time.2020-03-02T00:00:00-06:00
date_range_endEnd time for measurement period in ISO 8601 format of YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:SS±hh:mm (local time with offset from GMT). The start time will be 12 a.m. Monday in local time.2020-03-09T00:00:00-06:00
raw_visit_countsNumber of visits in the panel to this POI during the date range.

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raw_visitor_countsNumber of unique visitors from the panel to this POI during the date range.1221
visits_by_dayThe number of visits to the POI each day (local time) over the covered time period.

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[33, 22, 33, 22, 33, 22, 22, 21, 23, 33, 22, 11, 44, 22, 22, 44, 11, 33, 44, 44, 44, 33, 34, 44, 22, 33, 44, 44, 34, 43, 43]
poi_cbgThe census block group the POI is located within.560610112022
🔒visitor_home_cbgsThe number of visitors to the POI from each census block group or dissemination area based on the visitor's home location.

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{"360610112021": 603, "460610112021": 243, "560610112021": 106, "660610112021": 87, "660610112021": 51}
🔒visitor_home_aggregationThe number of visitors to the
POI from each census tract or
aggregate dissemination area
based on the visitor's home

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{"17031440300": 1005, "18089021500": 522, "17197883516": 233, "17031826402": 5, "17031826301": 4, "04013115802": 4}
🔒visitor_daytime_cbgsThe number of visitors to the POI from each census block group or dissemination area based on primary daytime location between 9 am - 5 pm.

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{"360610112030": 9872, "880610112021": 8441, "569610112020": 5671, "160610112041": 2296, "980610112021": 1985}
🔒visitor_country_of_originThe number of visitors to the POI from each country based on visitor's home country code.

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{"US": 98,"CA": 12}
🔒distance_from_homeMedian distance from home travelled by visitors (of visitors whose home we have identified) in meters.

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median_dwellMedian minimum dwell time in minutes.

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bucketed_dwell_timesThe distribution of visit dwell times based on pre-specified buckets. Key is the range of dwell time in minutes and value is number of visits that were within that range.

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{"\<5": 40, "5-20":22, "21-60": 45, "61-240": 3,">240": 5}
related_same_day_brandOther brands that the visitors to this POI visited on the same day as the visit to this POI. Limited to top 20.

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{"mcdonalds": 7,"amc": 5,"target": 3}
related_same_month_brandOther brands that the visitors to this POI visited in the same month as the visit to this POI. Limited to top 20.{"mcdonalds": 7,"amc": 5,"target": 3}
popularity_by_hourThe number of visits in each hour over the course of the date range, in local time. First element in the array corresponds to the hour of midnight to 1am, second is 1am to 2am, etc.[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 222, 546, 444, 333, 232, 432, 564, 456, 345, 678, 434, 545, 222, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
popularity_by_dayThe number of visits in total on each day of the week (in local time) over the course of the date range.{"Monday": 3300, "Tuesday": 1200, "Wednesday": 898, "Thursday": 7002, "Friday": 5001, "Saturday": 5987, "Sunday": 0}
🔒device_typeThe number of visitors to the POI that are using Android vs. iOS.{"android": 6, "ios": 8}

🔒 Advan Research does not report data when less than 2 visitors are observed from that group. If there are
between 2 and 4 visitors this is reported as 4.

Advan Research Normalized Variables

Column NameDescriptionExample
normalized_visits_by_state_scalingRaw visit counts scaled using Advan’s best current methodology for estimating actual visits.715.08396...
normalized_visits_by_region_naics_visitsRaw visit counts divided by the sum(raw_visit_counts) to the NAICS code in the same state or province during the same time period. This measures changes in the category-specific popularity of the POI over time.0.00411...
normalized_visits_by_region_naics_visitorsRaw visit counts divided by the sum(raw_visitor_counts) to the NAICS code in the same state or province during the same time period. This measures changes in the visits per device that visited the same category in Advan's panel to the POI over time.0.0127...
normalized_visits_by_total_visitsRaw visit counts divided by the total visits in the same state or province during the same time period. This measures changes in the relative popularity of POI over time.0.0000567...
normalized_visits_by_total_visitorsRaw visit counts divided by the total devices seen in the same state or province during the same time period. This measures changes in the visits per device in Advan's panel to the POI over time.0.0000913...

Panel Overview Data

Along with the Monthly Patterns file, Advan Research also provides a Panel Overview Data to help you better understand the context of the data appearing in Monthly Patterns.

Home Location Distributions by State/Census Block Group

Dataset on Dewey ↗️

Column NameDescriptionExample
yearCalendar Year2018
monthCalendar month starting from 1 as January1
stateLowercase abbreviation of U.S. state or territoryca
census_block_groupUS FIPS code for this Census block group530330080012
number_devices_residingNumber of distinct devices observed with a primary nighttime location in the specified census block group.54481
number_devices_primary_daytimeNumber of distinct devices observed with a primary daytime location in the specified census block group.544

Number of Visits/Visitors by State

Dataset on Dewey ↗️

Column NameDescriptionExample
yearCalendar year that the first day of the Monthly data is in2018
monthCalendar month that the first day of the Monthly data is in1
stateLowercase abbreviation of U.S. state or territoryny
num_visitsNumber of point-of-interest visits observed in the specified state8900
num_unique_visitorsNumber of unique visitors observed with at least 1 point-of-interest visit in the specified state966

Normalization Stats

Advan Research also provides a file containing information on the panel for each day of the week to help with
normalization. This file will have rows for each region for each day of the week.

Dataset on Dewey ↗️

Column NameDescriptionExample
yearCalendar year2019
monthCalendar month starting from 1 as January1
dayCalendar day1
regionWhen iso_country_code == US, then this is the USA state or territory. When iso_country_code == CA, then this is the Canadian Province or territory.CA
total_visitsAll visits we saw on the given day in local time (includes visits to POI and visits to homes)200
total_devices_seenTotal devices in our panel which we saw on the given day with any visit in local time (POI or home visit)50
total_home_visitsVisits we saw on the given day in local time to the device's home geohash-7120
total_home_visitorsTotal devices we saw on the given day with at least 1 visit to the device's home geohash-735

Additional Variable Information


  • In the US, all centroids (latitudes/longitudes) are referenced against a geospatial file of
    city boundaries as defined by the US Census Bureau. In edge cases, the preferred city name in the address line reflects a pre-annexed city name, and Advan Research tries their best to preserve those city names where possible.


  • These are the aggregated raw counts that we see visit the POI from our panel of mobile devices.
  • The duration of the visit must last at least 4 minutes to count as a visit to a given POI.


  • This is an array of visits on each day in the week, Monday through Sunday.
  • Advan Research breaks up days based on local time.


  • These are the home census block groups (U.S.) of the visitors to the POI.
  • For each census block group, we show the number of associated visitors (as opposed to the number of visits). If visits by home CBG is desired, we recommend taking the visitors from each CBG and multiplying by the average visits/visitor (i.e., raw_visit_counts / raw_visitor_counts) as an approximation.
  • Advan Research does not have a home census block group for each visitor and not each visitor originates from the US. The number of US visitors listed in the visitor_country_of_origin column represents the total number of visitors which Advan Research has determined originate from the US versus Canada.


  • This is similar to visitor_home_cbgs except they represent the home census tracts (U.S.) or aggregate dissemination areas (Canada) of the visitors to the POI.
  • Advan Research recommends using this column when you do not need to know visitor homes areas at such a fine level (CBGs represent 600-3000 people while DAs represent 400-700), but can aggregate to the next-level-up geographic unit (CTs represent 2,500 to 8,000 people while ADAs represent 5,000 to 15,000).


  • These are the daytime census block groups of the visitors to the POI.
  • For each census block group, we show the number of associated visitors (as opposed to the number of visits).


  • These are the countries of origin of the visitors to the POI.


  • This is the median distance from home to the POI in meters for the visitors Advan Research has identified a home location.
  • This is calculated by taking the haversine distance between the visitor's home geohash-7 and the location of the POI for each visit. Advan Research then takes the median of all of the home-POI distance pairs.
  • If there are fewer than 5 visitors to a POI, the value will be null.
  • Advan Research does not adjust for visits - each visitor is counted equally.


  • This is the median of the minimum dwell times we have calculated for each of the visits to the POI.
  • Advan Research determines the minimum dwell time by looking at the first and last ping we see from a device during a visit. This is a minimum dwell because it is possible the device was at the POI longer than the time of the last ping.
  • It is possible to have a minimum dwell of 0 if we only saw 1 ping and determined the visit
    based on factors such as wi-fi.


  • This is a dictionary of different time spans and the number of visits that were of each
  • The time spans are in minutes.
  • Data contains the following bins: { "\<5", "5-10", "11-20", "21-60", "61-120", "121-240", ">240"}


  • These are the brands that the visitors to this POI also visit, on the same day that they visit the POI. The number mapped to each brand is an indicator of how highly correlated a POI is to a certain brand. The value is a simple percent of POI visitors that visited the other brand on the same day.
  • Only the first 20 brands are returned.

Key Concepts

Visit Attribution

Advan Research computes the visits/visitors and other metrics inside a POI using the POI’s geometry. They do not apply any dwell time or any concept of “stops”; they rely on the polygon for accuracy. Advan Research has tested their data on 1,500 publicly traded tickers versus (a) top line revenue as reported from the companies and (b) credit card transaction counts on physical locations, and they have determined consistently that in the vast majority of cases filtering for dwell time reduces the signal and makes the correlation/forecasting worse.

Determining Home Location

Advan Research computes a device’s home/work (night/day) location by computing the time a device spent in each building in the country; then taking the most frequented building.


Backfill is when we take our most recent locations (i.e., addresses + geofences) and run our visit attribution algorithm backward in time to generate a new history of “backfilled” Patterns. Backfills are typically generated every time new Advan POIs are added (typically monthly, with the exception of August and December) on Advan POIs only. This means historical Patterns will only be present for all Advan POIs, including over 20,000 Industrial POIs, or any other POIs that were released on or before December 2022.


What is a place_key?

Placekey is an identifier for any physical place, so that the data pertaining to those places can be shared across organizations easily.

How is the data sourced?

How can I be confident the geographic coverage will meet my research needs?

What is the source of the POI?