Global Places
Data on Dewey
Refresh Cadence: Monthly
SafeGraph’s Places data provides detailed information about physical places in a fresh and clean format. With POI data for countries around the world, you can gain insights about any location that a person can visit.
POI: Global
Timeframe: 2019
- Present
Column Name | Description | Example |
placekey | Unique and persistent ID tied to this POI. See Placekey for details on placekey design. | 222-222@222-222-222 |
parent_placekey | If place is encompassed by a larger place (e.g. mall, airport), this lists the placekey of the parent place; otherwise null . See more on parent-child relationships in Spatial Hierarchy. | 223-223@222-222-222 |
safegraph_brand_ids | Unique and consistent ID that represents this specific brand. | SG_BRAND_59dcabd7cd2395a2, SG_BRAND_8310c2e3461b8b5a |
location_name | The name of the place of interest. | Salinas Valley Ford Lincoln |
brands | If this POI is an instance of a larger brand that we have explicitly identified, this column will contain that brand name. See more details in brands. | Ford, Lincoln |
top_category | The label associated with the first 4 digits of the POI’s NAICS category. | Automobile Dealers |
sub_category | The label associated with all 6 digits of the POI’s NAICS category. For POIs with a 4-digit NAICS category, this column is null | New Car Dealers |
naics_code | 4-digit or 6-digit NAICS code describing the business. | 441110 |
latitude | Latitude coordinate of the place of interest. | 36.714767 |
longitude | Longitude coordinate of the place of interest. | -121.662912 |
street_address | Street address of the place of interest. | 1100 Auto Center Circle |
city | The city of the point of interest. | Irvine |
region | The state, province, county, or equivalent of how "region" is understood in a given country for the place of interest. See region for more details. | CA |
postal_code | The postal code of the place of interest. | 92602 |
iso_country_code | The 2 letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. See docs for more details. | US |
census_code | The ID of the most granular unit area where a country's census bureau collects and reports population/demographic statistics. See our docs for country specific details. | 010010201001 |
Key Concepts
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Sourcing information
Does SafeGraph Places contain mobility data?
No. SafeGraph focuses exclusively on POI and transaction data. Advan now controls what was formerly SafeGraph mobility data.
What is a Placekey?
A place key is a unique identifier...
How can I be sure my POI is covered
Reach out to [email protected] and we can help provide clarity on coverage for your research
Updated about 2 months ago