Website Traffic Visits


Returns the estimated number of all visits to a given domain: desktop and mobile visits combined.

Data InformationValue
Refresh CadenceMonthly
Historical Coverage2019-Present
Geographic CoverageGlobal


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Website Traffic Visits

Key Concepts

Data aggregation

  • This Similarweb Website Traffic Visits products aggregates visits on the daily level.


Why does Similarweb return decimal places for website traffic?

  • Since Similarweb estimations are generated via innovative algorithms, the data they produce contain decimal places, rather than whole numbers. Unlike the data displayed on the Similarweb platform, the API does not round up the values, providing our API users with the exact estimations. Source

Why does the API return exact values for small sites? For a website that has less than 5,000 visits on the Similarweb platform, I can get a numeric value for the visits via the API. Does that mean the API is more precise than the platform?

  • Both the Similarweb platform and API rely on the same dataset. When we have less than 5,000 estimated visits for a given time period, we don’t show a numeric value in our platform. This is because, for websites with a small number of visits, our estimations may be subject to a greater degree of variance to meet our desired level of accuracy. In the API however, we do return a value so you can aggregate it (e.g. over multiple time periods, or with other websites) until you reach a satisfactory result. Source