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SafeGraph Historical POI Data

I am currently working with the SafeGraph dataset and noticed that it provides the most recent state of Points of Interest (POIs). However, I am particularly interested in accessing historical POI records to analyze changes over time.
I also saw the "open date" field in the data structure, but it appears to be available for only a limited number of records. I was wondering if there is a more comprehensive historical dataset available that includes past POI records or any way to track changes over time.
Could you please let me know if such data is available and how I might be able to access it?

Placekeys Found in Advan, not in POI Dataset

I'd like some clarification around discrepancies in placekeys between Advan and Safegraph.


Advan monthly foot traffic normalization stats are missing after September 2024


Population Coverage of GWS U.S. Mobile App Engagement



Mortage rate variable in Recorder/Tax Assessor Data

Hi all,

Advan Monthly Patterns - Home Panel Summary

I have a couple of questions about the Advan Monthly Patterns - Home Panel Summary.


Historical Real Estate Data from Verisk

I am working with the Verisk property data that Dewey provides. Is there a way to access historical snapshots of the data? As I understand it, the dataset is updated monthly to include new transactions, during which the modelled columns (eg estimated property value) are changed using the information from that months' new transactions. As a result, the dataset you can download via Dewey's API only has the most recent sales price for each property (as previous transactions for that property are overwritten) and older transactions and property value estimates are unavailable. I am interested in having access to both the complete transaction history for properties included in the dataset and the property value estimates over time. Is there a way to access the data in this way?

Spending Pattern Data CUSTOMER_HOME_CITY

I read the description from the Safegraph website (https://docs.safegraph.com/docs/spend#section-customer-information), but it does not tell what the definition of the city is. Thus, I am wondering if anyone could help me with the definition of the CUSTOMER_HOME_CITY (like whether it refers to county, Census Designated Place or something else).


SafeGraph Global Spending Patterns: Income and Generalizability

Hello, I am working with SafeGraph Spend Patterns POI data, and I have a couple of questions.


Duplicate Visit Counts Across Different Placekeys in Foot Traffic Data

Using the Weekly Patterns - Foot Traffic - Full Historical Data, I noticed that several rows have identical values for raw_visit_count, raw_visitor_count, and origin_home_cbg, as well as the visitor count within origin_home_cbg, even though these locations have different placekey values. I checked their parent_placekey, and while some of them share the same parent, others do not. Additionally, I examined whether all child_placekey values under the same parent_placekey had matching raw_visit_count, raw_visitor_count, and origin_home_cbg, but that wasn't always the case.