Codebook variable GranteeMailAddressInfoFormat missing?
I am trying to find a variable in Recorder: GranteeMailAddressInfoFormat. It is in the codebook but not in the database. Is it possible that this variable is dicontinued? I am trying to connect the grantee with corporations? Could you please help me? Thank you.
ATTOM: The recorder office data
I am trying to find the names of the corporate buyers. So far, I have found the variable grantee1infoownertype which is CN or CO for a corporation. However, I cannot find the names of the corporations that are buying the real estate (for, propertyusegroup=commercial). Could you please help me find the name of the corporations? I am interested in commercial real estate holdings/transactions of corporations in the US.
Question About Health Center POI Data Trends (2021-2023)
We are using mobility and foot traffic data to identify the number of unique POIs for certain business types. While comparing the number of health centers across different years using the same NAICS code, we noticed a significant increase from 2021 to 2023.
Potential Error in Number of Device from Advan Data at the Start of 2023
We are researching human mobility and have calculated the visitor rate for each CBG in Erie County using the formula: Visitor Rate = Visitors / Number of Devices.
Consumer address history database.
I am trying to work with the Consumer address history database.
I have some questions regarding the dataset's representativeness. What does ODDATE represent? Should the EFFDATE of an individual's last recorded address match the ODDATE? Does this mean the individual continues living at the address with the most recent EFFDATE?
Missing Data from Advan Dataset
I noticed data that I thought was missing from the Advan datasets. Heads up if you have the same issue -- the GEO IDs are connected to 2010 Census Block Groups, not 2020. Glad I solved this, hope this helps someone else!
representativeness of Advan data
I'm trying to understand the representativeness of Advan data. What percentage of U.S. cellphones does it capture at a given point in time? Does this coverage percentage fluctuate over time, and if so, what factors influence these changes?