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Questions about Consumer Edge

1/ In most tables provided by Consumer Edge, there is a variable called 'EST_REC_PCT'. Could you help clarify its exact meaning? Specifically, does it represent the estimated percentage of total U.S. consumer spend captured by the dataset, or does it refer to something else?

2/ I look at two tables, Brand Tracker and Daily Consumer Spend by Company - Delivery Services. Brand Tracker covers 13K+ unique brands, while Daily Spend - Delivery Services only covers 600+ unique brands.
Many brands covered by Brand Tracker are not covered by Daily Spend - Delivery Services . I assume this is normal because Daily Spend - Delivery Services only covers brands which have delivery services. However, there are 12 brands included in Daily Spend - Delivery Services that are not covered by Brand Tracker, which I find puzzling. Could you shed light on why this might be the case?

3/ For the overlapping brands between the above two datasets, I find that for the same brand, their daily spend values in the 2 tables are sometimes similar while sometimes diverging. Why do deviations exist between Brand Tracker and Daily Spend - Delivery Services? When the two datasets show conflicting values, which dataset should I prioritize for analysis?

Thank you!